From: "Jacopo Cappellato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hans Bakker wrote:
Hi Jacopo,

I had my Dutch company on a simple version of the ofbiz accounting
system (no ledger) and this is exactly what i did. Separate the outgoing
and incoming VAT from the purchase/sales invoice (invoiceItemType) and
pay the difference to the taxman. These payments to the taxman should be
considered as 100% 'outgoing' VAT so that a balance can be kept...  
.....however....I only know the case in the Netherlands....

Here it is required to pay the VAT to the taxman monthly on invoices
which have been sent out and received. It can however be that the sales
invoice is not paid yet, but the tax needs to be paid....and with a 19%
vat it can make cashflow problems...

The same in Italy: you pay the taxes every month but your customers pay the invoices usually after 30 days (and sometime 60 or 90)... annoying :-(


But that is no problem for the your explanation sounds
good to me.


Hi Jacopo, Hans,

I mostly agree with this and Jacopo's premise.

Of course there are always specificities everywhere.
For instance as I'm working as an independant
 . I don't have to have a double-entry bookkeeping. So I'm allowed to register 
invoices only when they are paid.
 . Moreover when I began my activity (in 2000) I negotiated with my fiscal 
admistration the right to pay only every quarters.

Jacopo you say
The most interesting aspect, in my opinion, is that, apart from the differences in the way taxes in general are shown to the customers (e.g. price with/without tax, as total or per item etc...), that, by the way are very industry/country specific (and not really related to VAT), the fundamental difference appears to be the following one:

I agree that it's not fundamental . But I think that this is where we could do some work at least on the price with/without tax aspect. Since it seems that (at least) some users are really interested by this. Of course it's easy to say and even if I'm still interested by this, I did not find the time (priority) to even answer to David Garrett's and Marco's and propositions (respectively and ). Does not mean that I forgot...


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