You might be right Scott, as in this email Si requested people contact him at "sichen AT opensourcestrategies DOT com".

I'd actually be interested in seeing something good/helpful come out of this thread... who "else" in the OFBiz community is hiring or has recently, and how are you going about it?

To get the ball rolling: at Hotwax Media we've been hiring and training quite a few people and getting ourselves organized in order to work more effectively with growth in demand and resources. I could write quite a bit about that how we're organizing and running things to leverage a wide range of skill sets and experience with those skill sets, and it's been really interesting and we like where we're going now in our second iteration (ie initial organization and one phase of refinement), but that's not really the point of this thread at the minute.

Anyway, our "crew" is now made up by about 42 employees and 4 outside consultants working mostly full-time (but spread around the world and hence the logistics of employment are difficult... to put it mildly). We're hiring by looking around the in community and approaching people directly, as well as by hiring and training. We're finding good success hiring junior developers, training them for a few weeks and then doing "practice" development for a few months, and then we get them on billing projects. In order to do this we have separate analysis and review groups that keep planning on course and results checked on frequently (and QA'ed preemptively). Anyone who has looked at names and other information about Hotwax has probably noticed we have people in the US and Europe, and quite a few people in India. This sort of dual model is working well so far, and I'm pleased with how this training process and other things are allowing us to contribute to OFBiz and collaborate to pursue new objectives.

On a side note, I was kind of looking for a reason to explain this to others involved in OFBiz because I feel bad about not contributing as much or being as involved as I used to... or at least not directly. I remember walking with Hans Bakker in Phuket, Thailand in 2004 and him expressing how strongly he felt about how usually it is more valuable to get someone else to do something than to do it on your own. Since then I've been trying to figure out how and when to do that, and along with the other people investing in the Hotwax organization this is really happening.

We're hiring fairly regularly now as we take on new contracts and pursue new opportunities and investments. I'm personally hesitant to solicit too much within the OFBiz community because I'd really like to see lots of really strong service providers collaborating. Still, if someone has an idea or opportunity that they would like to collaborate on, we should talk. Community-driven open source projects are great for collaboration on a software and design level, but also open up opportunities to work together to all grow and improve our organizations and there are probably lots of ways we could collaborate economically for the benefit of all, and of course OFBiz itself too along the way.


On Feb 23, 2008, at 3:35 AM, Scott Gray wrote:

Hi Jacopo

You might do well to cc Si in on your email just in case he isn't subscribed to either of the lists, it would be strange for a committer to not be, but
there is always the possibility.


On 22/02/2008, Jacopo Cappellato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It seems to me that this message is off topic for the OFBiz lists (both
user and dev) because there isn't anything in it about OFBiz... we
should all try (especially the committers or, in general, the persons
more involved in the project) to avoid to add further confusion in this
project about the differences duality of Opentaps and OFBiz.

Si, from recent discussions in the Opentaps forums you have clearly
expressed the following concept (that is opinable, but I respect it):
Opentaps is totally different from OFBiz and just uses some parts of
OFBiz in the same way it uses other open source projects... so now I am a bit confused... why are you interested in hiring people from the OFBiz


Si Chen wrote:
Hi everybody,

We (Open Source Strategies) are looking to hire for at least two
additional full-time positions:

1. Software developer: we're looking for someone with significant Java
web applications development experience to help with Web 2.0 user
interfaces and business intelligence for opentaps. 2. Project manager: someone with ERP and CRM implementation project management experience
who will be involved with both implementing opentaps and charting a
direction for it. For the project manager position, we need some who would be based out of Los Angeles and be able to travel to client sites.

If you are interested, please e-mail me directly at sichen AT
opensourcestrategies DOT com



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