After the discussion we had in
I am trying to modify ofbiz to optionally include a little help icon in the
screenlet title bar.
What I want to obtais is the possibility to specify for every container an
help page link.
I am not expert of Ofbiz and of Java too but I want use this as an exercize
to grow my experience up.

My roadmap is:
1 - add a little help icon image (help_yellow.gif) to ofbiz

2 - add a "helpHomeUrl" property in general.properies

3 - add a new "helplink" property to the container tag to let the programmer
to link an help page to every single UI element.
When the container is rendered the following HTML should be added in the
    <a class="helpLink" target="_ofbizhelp" href="HELPURL">
        <img width="16" height="16" align="absmiddle" title="Get online help
about Using Ofbiz" src="/images/help_yellow.gif"/>
Where HELPURL is a string obtained from the helpHomeUrl, the helplink
property and perhaps the actual locale

4- add something in the main.css to make the little help icon displayed
inline on the right of the container area

So, after the trivial step 1, skipped step 2 for the moment, I started
navigating the code to do step 3.
I have seen that the screenlet container is someting that is built in two
(at least) different ways in .ftl files and in screens.xml files.
I have done it for a single .ftl file inserting the HTML code by hand but
now I want to make it for the screens.xml files. I have tried to modify the but I get no effect at all changing this file
ant-building and the startofbizing.

Could someone help me?


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