Having the form layout change like you suggested would be a cool feature. 
Couldn't we have a widget attribute that controls that, and still output a 
table? Something like field-label-orientation="top | bottom | reversed".


David E Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
I still like the idea because these aren't really a "table" per-se, ie  
no natural columns and rows, just title and field sets. Some might  
want the title above the field instead of to its left. Others might  
want it below or to the right (because they are crazy I guess... ;) ).  
Some might want a simulation of 2 columns like I did on the  
newcustomer.ftl page, and others might want the field and title to be  
right next to eachother.

The point is if we do it with CSS then people can choose and lay them  
out however they want, without changing the HTML that is produced.


On May 31, 2008, at 5:03 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> I remember CSS classes like col-row, col-left, col-right, etc.  
> Basically  and  elements were replaced with  and  - which made no sense at 
> all. It  
> was a lot of markup to do nothing more than create a table.
> Table layout is NOT evil - it is ideal for laying out columns and  
> rows (like forms).
> CSS can be used to make tables look cool too. I'd rather see Ajax  
> efforts put into "smart" table headers that, when clicked, change  
> the sort order of the table.
> -Adrian
> David E Jones  wrote:
> I did some work on this years ago doing a "prototype" of sorts in the
> newcustomer.ftl page. This is for single type forms only, as for list
> and multi forms a CSS layout doesn't make sense (given the tabular
> nature of that layout).
> The important CSS classes are form-row, form-label, and form-field.
> I don't know if this is the most elegant way to do it, but it seems to
> work pretty well and has been there for years. I believe the styles
> are only in the ecommain.css file at the minute.
> -David
> On May 31, 2008, at 1:38 PM, Anil Patel wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There has been some momentum  recently to add Ajax/Effects goodies
>> to HTML rendered using Screen/Form widget. I think as a part of this
>> effort we should consider moving away from FORM Layout using html
>> tables. The form layout using flexible html structures like div and
>> CSS can be made look COOL easily.
>> Is this doable?
>> Anybody interested in giving implementation tips?
>> Regards
>> Anil Patel


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