I think we should Ajax/Effects enable widgets where possible. Like,

Make Panels collapsable using Effects,
Ajax enable Tree widget,
Enhance Single form Layout to use div and css,
Use Model panel for Lookup windows,
Allow display fields to be inline editable etc.

Anil Patel

On Jun 2, 2008, at 6:11 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

From: "Adrian Crum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Al Byers wrote:
I started a post to your reply that talked about what I would like to see and whatever, but as I got into it, I realized that this whole thing could get quite messy. As soon as you do anything that is "customer facing", I think you are going to lose people (like me) because what we do with widgets
could never approach what their specific toolkit can do.
Well, the discussion is about adding Ajax capabilities to the screen widgets - which aren't usually used in customer facing websites. I picture this effort as something simpler than the type of work you described. Let's add some bells and whistles to the screen widgets. The screen widget XML to do it shouldn't be overly complicated. In other words, add some fancy embellishments without a lot of extra coding.
I just think the work of trying to add some common features that can be supported by all tool kits will not be useful because it will never go far enough. And it will be a lot of work that will not add much advantage over just working in the toolkit (this is particularly true of Dojo since it has an XML markup language that lets me mix it with the widget environment
within .ftl files.)
There has been talk of doing that with Dojo and another XML based library (I can't remember the name - Jacopo mentioned it).

I suppose you tall about Apache XAP ?

Thanks for the reply - I appreciate your input!

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