On Jun 3, 2008, at 9:30 AM, Bilgin Ibryam wrote:


Bilgin: is planning before hand what you had in mind?
Yes, I want to use Timesheet and TimeEntry entities to plan in advance
the working hours of employees. These two entities looks like enough for
this purpose?
You are right, this field seems redundant. The shifts can be retrieved
using the fromDate and thruDate fields.


Can you tell me why you think that workefforts are more appropriate for
planning in advance?

Thanks to both of you.

Yes, in that case I'd agree that WorkEffort is far more appropriate. TimeEntry records are meant to model only time that has been finished and is billable.

There is a WorkEffortType with workEffortTypeId="AVAILABLE" that is meant to model when a person is available (can be used for should be working, etc). This is meant to be used to model a work week including hours of the day, etc. The recent stuff for the recurrence rule enhancements will make this more useful, though I think those need to be used in the calendar display and what not to be effective here. Events planned would overlay AVAILABLE work efforts to override the availability for anything pre-scheduled within the working day (or working time period, not to be day/night biased... ;) ).


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