Quoting Raj Saini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I am facing a problem while integrating Paypal payment method. My
store currency settings are in GBP and every thing is fine. Paypal
integration is also working correctly except the currency. When I
login into Paypal, it shows me the prices in dollars instead of GBP.
In my sandbox account, the default currency for seller as well buyer
currency is GPB.

Hi Raj,

You have to add one more parameter to PayPalEvents.java called "currency_code". For more details check this https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=p/pdn/howto_checkout-outside#methodone

I think we also should add this parameter to OFBiz PayPalEvents.java.
By default it could be the OrderHeader currency or a value from payment.properties


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