I think that there are some issues in the current implementation of customer returns.

Here is a list of the main ones:

1) the ReturnHeader.needsInventoryReceive field is misleading because it actually means the opposite: if set to Y then the manual receive step is skipped and when the return is approved it is automatically received and completed; if set to N then you have to manually receive it in order to complete the return. Of course the name of the field is wrong (or I just don't understand it) and in fact in the UI for the ReturnHeader its label is (more appropriately) "Auto-Receive On ACCEPT"; however, IMHO, there is no need for such a field: we could have just provided a "quick receive return" link (similar to the "quick receive order" link) to provide a short path to the receive/ completion goal.

2) the two ways a return is processed according to the ReturnHeader.needsInventoryReceive flag are quite different, i.e. they produce different results (which is not good): 2.a) if ReturnHeader.needsInventoryReceive is Y: when the return is approved, the system in one step performs the following tasks:
* approves the return
* creates a "customer return shipment"
* receives the return (the shipment)
* creates a "customer return invoice"
* creates a payment to the customer (if the return is of type "refund")
* applies the payment to the invoice (that is then moved to the paid status)
* completes the return
2.b) if ReturnHeader.needsInventoryReceive is N: then the user has to manually perform the following tasks:
* approve the return
* receive the return (there is no way, that I am aware of, to create the shipment) * then the return is automatically completed and a payment is created to the customer

The main issue is that no "return shipment" and no "return invoice" are created and the payment is unassigned. In my opinion we should do, also for #2.b, what we do for #2.a

3) if the return is of type "refund" but the order was paid offline (no cc), when the return is received it is marked as completed but no payments are created; instead we should create an open "return invoice" so that we have a reminder that we have to pay it to our customer... what do you think?

4) if ReturnHeader.needsInventoryReceive is Y and you approve a "replacement" return, then two replacement orders are created instead of one; this doesn't happen when the if ReturnHeader.needsInventoryReceive is set to N

5) <complain-mode>Was it really necessary to set the return type (refund/replacement etc...) in the order item instead that in the order header? this makes the logic much more complex and in my opinion, if two different order items need to be returned with two different methods (i.e. refund and replacement) it would be acceptable (and maybe even better) to create two returms. Also, is it really necessary to allow return items from different orders in the same return?</complain-mode>

I'm sorry for the long post, but I have tried to summarize the main issues I've discovered while testing this stuff. I'd like to get your feedback, then I will try to commit the fixes for some of them (that I really need for a customer project) and I will put in Jira the other stuff.


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