I see that Ofbiz follows Compiere "analytics" in GL. What I mean it maintains 
relation to party, inventory, payment etc. in acctg_trans table.
It is good for simple caes but in real world it is not good solution. It forces 
acccountant to split entries in GL by dimmensions values (e.g. separate 
entry for each product line) 
I think it would be better to maintain separate analytic table which will hold 
this information in form:

acctg_trans_id, dimmension_type, amount

In this way it would be possible to make one entry for each e.g. invoice in 
acctg_trans, and as many dimensions in analytics as we need. (e.g. analytics 
for product could
be split per line, and analitycs for same invoice per project could be 

What do you think of it ? 

Best regards,

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