Hello all. Tomorrow is Wednesday the 25th of June (yeah, I know that's not really news)... which is the deadline I mentioned a couple of weeks ago for proposals for conference presentations and BOF sessions.

There are still a number of slots open, and in fact a few people (about 6 if I remember right) sent me messages saying they would submit an abstract but haven't yet.

Please send this in right away! They don't have to be perfect... so just spend 20 minutes writing out a couple of paragraphs and send it over by tomorrow, or tonight is even better!

I guess if I haven't made it clear yet... I'm kind of left out to dry here! I was pretty sure we could fill 2 days of presentations (6 each day) as we've done so a few times in the past for OFBiz-only User Conferences. I know this conference is still a bit distant in the future, but we really need to get this organized a bit in advance. So, yeah, it's more formal than stuff we've done in the past but I hope that won't push it out our reach as a community.

I've had a number of volunteers that I can recruit, but I REALLY don't want this event to be dominated by Hotwax people, especially since Hotwax represents such a small part of the OFBiz community and there are dozens of service provider companies that I'm guessing could benefit from participation in this sort of event.


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