here is the answer I gave last time.
Though I answered in the Us mailing list
I believe that this does require some discussion on how to implement
ups shipping outside of the US per their shipping regs.
Unless I have missed something.

this will take a re-write of the ups code to look at the country, and
some new flags for Air and ocean frieght to change the data sent to UPS.
The documentation for this tool is now requires a shipping Account with
usp to get the informations needed.

Mike McMillan sent the following on 7/14/2008 11:59 AM:
> Does anyone have experience shipping international shipments using the UPS
> online tools?   
> I tested a shipment that is going to Mexico. However, I received a UPS error
> code 120542 (Package/ReferenceNumber is not allowed for this shipment when I
> tried to get a label. 
> UPS Tech Support told me this.... 
> "Yes the error is regarding the Package reference number.  This error is due
> because when you wish to ship something internationally you will need to use
> the Shipment container not the package container.  The Package container is
> for domestic shipping, page 31 of your documentation explains the Shipment
> container. 
> To correct this change your reference number from the package container to
> the Shipment container found on page 35 and resend your request." 
> Does anyone know what the Reference Number should be that is located within
> the XML Confirm Request file in order for it to return a label for an
> international shipment? 
> Any help is greatly appreciated. 
> Mike

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