Thanks a lot Mridul for your suggestions, I will try it later.


> Marco,
>      I think we can call any method accepting native types from a
> simple method by just specifying native data type in type attribute of 
> <field> element.  I have tried this with boolean and it worked for
> me.  Here is one code snippet from FixedAssetServices.xml:
> <set field="startIndex" value="0" type="Integer"/>
> <set field="endIndex" value="4" type="Integer"/>
> <!-- Extract asset end of life year from field expectedEndOfLife -->
> <if-not-empty field="fixedAsset.expectedEndOfLife">
>      <set field="expectedEndOfLife" from-
> field="fixedAsset.expectedEndOfLife"/>
>      <to-string field-name="expectedEndOfLife"/>
>      <call-object-method method-name="substring" obj-field-
> name="expectedEndOfLife" ret-field-name="expEndOfLifeYear">
>          <field field-name="startIndex" type="int"/>
>          <field field-name="endIndex" type="int"/>
>      </call-object-method>
> <else>
>      <add-error><fail-property resource="AccountingUiLabels"
> property="AccountingExpEndOfLifeIsEmpty"/></add-error>
>      <check-errors/>
> </else>
> </if-not-empty>
> --
> Thanks & Regards,
> Mridul Pathak
> HotWax Media, Inc.
> On Jul 31, 2008, at 12:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi to all,
> >
> > I'm trying to call from a simple method the method
> > setItemShipGroupQty() of ShoppingCart but actually it accepts only
> > some parameters with native type double and int and so it gives to
> > me an error from the simple method.
> >
> > I have tried to add this method and now everything is ok.
> >
> > public void setItemShipGroupQty(ShoppingCartItem item, Double
> > quantity, Integer idx) {
> >    this.setItemShipGroupQty(item, this.getItemIndex(item),
> > quantity.doubleValue(), idx.intValue());
> > }
> >
> > Is it ok if I add this method or did you have a different idea to
> > solve this problem ?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > Marco

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