Adrian Crum wrote:
I don't know if this will help, but I reverted back to rev 681992 - my last good build - and it works fine. So the problem was introduced after that.


Jacques Le Roux wrote:
From: "Adam Heath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Adrian Crum wrote:
I did an SVN update from the trunk this morning, then ran ant clean and
build. OFBiz starts, gets to ] XML Read 0.015s:

then shuts down. Debug.log and ofbiz.log both show first few lines of
startup messages, and nothing else. error.log is empty.

I did a fresh checkout, ran ant run-install - it stops at the same
place. I confirmed I'm running Java 1.5.

Any ideas?

Try the attached patch; I don't develop on windows, so haven't tested it
yet.  My windows machine is currently rebooting, after installing
tortiose, and then I can test this myself.

Sorry Adam,

Same issue :

It'll have to wait until after work(2 more hours) for me to look at it closely. Java 1.5 isn't installed on my windows machine, so I can't compile anything there to test it yet.

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