when we will have VisualTheme committed a different (in content and name)
CSS could be included for each theme.
Likely also the default theme files (like the actual maincss.css) will find
a different location. So I would suggest to wait to rename the maincss.css.

2008/8/11 Jacques Le Roux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Thanks Adrian,
> Yes I found the discussion where you suggested this link
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-822?focusedCommentId=12481668#action_12481668
> It seems to have improved since then . There is really a lot of stuff there
> !
> Actually it's not in my top priorities, but I'd like to try when I will get
> some time.
> For now I'd like to rename maincss.css to mainltr.css (or even better
> mainLeftToRight.css and rename mainrtl.css to mainRightToLeft.css)  I can't
> see any problems but will somebody mind ?
> maincss give us no information, mainLeftToRight will. Or why not only
> main.css, as mainRightToLeft.css gives enough information ?
> Jacques
> From: "Adrian Crum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  An interesting link from an old Jira issue:
>> http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/final_drop.html
>> -Adrian
>> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> From
>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-892?focusedCommentId=12488938#action_12488938
>>> The fact that there are already "Basic Navigation (Vertical Menu) Style"s
>>> in maincss. css and mainrtl.css (the 1st shoud not be better named
>>> mainlrt.css ?)
>>> The fact that you can insert a menu-item into a  menu-item (tried and
>>> looked in widget-menu.xsd)
>>> I think it's only a matter of adding code in ModelMenuItem.java. I will
>>> try that when I will have some time.
>>> If I'm on the wrong way please correct me.
>>> Thanks
>>> Jacques
>>> From: "BJ Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> you could use the storage method then on restart or change have it
>>>> create the equivalent JS that use the CSS.
>>>> the you have the best of both worlds
>>>> :)
>>>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 8/11/2008 1:56 AM:
>>>>> opencube or javascript requires manually editing the scripts to put in
>>>>> the menus.
>>>>> I did something similar in asp (MS) where the menu items and attributes
>>>>> like pull down< fly left were in the entity for menus.
>>>>> the allowed editing, maybe in the content component, and using the new
>>>>> feature where we can put varibles in the menus for i18N.
>>>>> this way you keep the internationalizaton and have a powerful menu
>>>>> system.
>>>>> The entity would look like
>>>>> <entity entity-name="MenuHierarchy"
>>>>> package-name="org.ofbiz.webapp.menuhierarchy"
>>>>> title="Menu Hierarchy Entity">
>>>>> <field name="MenuHierId" type="id-ne" />
>>>>> <field name="ParentID" type="id">
>>>>> <description>
>>>>> Parent of this menu if null is top menu
>>>>> </description>
>>>>> </field>
>>>>> <field name="Description" type="long-varchar">
>>>>> <description>used in menu would be the i18n that is now in the menu
>>>>> system.</description>
>>>>> </field>
>>>>> <field name="MenuOrderNumber" type="long-varchar">
>>>>> <description>sequence in menu</description>
>>>>> </field>
>>>>> <field name="LevelNbr" type="very-short">
>>>>> <description>multilevel like for flyouts</description>
>>>>> </field>
>>>>> <field name="LeafNodeInd" type="long-varchar">
>>>>> <description>sequence of leaf node</description>
>>>>> </field>
>>>>> <field name="ComponetCode" type="name">
>>>>> <description>accounting, content, etc.</description>
>>>>> </field>
>>>>> <field name="IconURL" type="url">
>>>>> <description>this is for fancy icons like a file drawer open or
>>>>> close</description>
>>>>> </field>
>>>>> <field name="TargetURL " type="url">
>>>>> <description>controller request</description>
>>>>> </field>
>>>>> <field name="TargetFrame" type="name">
>>>>> <description>for mulitframed pages</description>
>>>>> </field>
>>>>> <prim-key field="MenuHierId" />
>>>>> </entity>
>>>>> Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 8/10/2008 11:16 AM:
>>>>>> I agree that using widgets would be cool, enhancing menu widget
>>>>>> actually. But I was also thinking about using CSS. I remember you sent
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> link about
>>>>>> http://www.opencube.com. Though some argue that JavaScript should be
>>>>>> used for such dynamic things
>>>>>> http://tutorials.alsacreations.com/deroulant
>>>>>> Another example of its use  in
>>>>>> https://localhost:8443/catalog/control/EditProduct
>>>>>> Main (maybe not : only single entries for those)
>>>>>>   Product
>>>>>>   Content
>>>>>>   Categories
>>>>>>   Associations
>>>>>>   Features
>>>>>> Price
>>>>>>   Prices
>>>>>>   Costs
>>>>>> Reference (who cares to have a single menu for those ?)
>>>>>>   Geos
>>>>>>   Ids
>>>>>>   Keywords
>>>>>>   Attributes
>>>>>>   Meters
>>>>>> Facility
>>>>>>   Facilities
>>>>>>   Locations
>>>>>>   Inventory
>>>>>> Party
>>>>>>   Suppliers
>>>>>>   Vendor
>>>>>>   Parties
>>>>>>   Agreements
>>>>>> Accounting
>>>>>>   Accounts
>>>>>>   Payment Types
>>>>>> I did not find a group for the remainders
>>>>>>   a.. Manufacturing
>>>>>>   b.. Maintenance
>>>>>>   c.. Subscription Resources
>>>>>>   d.. Quick Admin
>>>>>>   e.. Work Effort
>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>> From: "BJ Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>> we already have drop down for widgets
>>>>>>> menus now are hand edited, so there is not real way yet to
>>>>>>> management.
>>>>>>> so all we need is an menu entity
>>>>>>> then build a menu tree using the entity.
>>>>>>> the data would be that same as menu now so the i18n would be
>>>>>>> preserved.
>>>>>>> let the widgets build the menus.
>>>>>>> my 2 cents
>>>>>>> Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 8/10/2008 6:24 AM:
>>>>>>>> I wonder if we should not add dropdow menu capability to OFBiz. We
>>>>>>>> would them be able to show a less cluttered and easier to read
>>>>>>>> UI in some cases. And I'm sure this will help us to better organize
>>>>>>>> things in OFBiz.
>>>>>>>> For instance in party Profile we could have
>>>>>>>> Party actions
>>>>>>>>                    Link Party
>>>>>>>>                    Party content
>>>>>>>>                    Party Skills
>>>>>>>> There is only one drawback I see in this : i18n will not be as easy
>>>>>>>> and maybe this has been aready discussed ?
>>>>>>>> Another small UI issue : we should distinguish the 2 "Link Party"
>>>>>>>> button in this screen. I would recommend to change only the
>>>>>>>> label of the one below to "Link this party", agreed ?
>>>>>>>> Jacques

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