Ok, no problem I will untouched it.


Il giorno 27/set/08, alle ore 05:12, David E Jones ha scritto:


Please re-read what I wrote before, especially that part about the goal of these chances.

No, we don't want to get rid of the more commonly used methods like these variations of findByAnd and findByPrimaryKey.


On Sep 26, 2008, at 1:04 AM, Marco Risaliti wrote:

Hi to all,

I proposed to deprecating more GenericDelegator methods but it can be done also on the next framework release (not mandatory to be done now in the
first framework release) .

As now all the findByOr methods are deprecated and replaced by findList method in the future we can deprecate findPrimaryKey methods to be replaced by findOne and deprecate findByAnd methods to be replaced by findList.

At the end we will have only findOne and findList methods.

One more thing is that is not so easy to identify if a specific deprecated
method is still in use in the sources instead if we deprecate all the
methods variants it will more easier.

I would like to know if in the future framework releases we will support only findOne and findList methods so I can work in the meantime to replace
all the findByAnd and findByPrimaryKey to the new methods.



Inizio messaggio inoltrato:

*Da: *David E Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Data: *25 settembre 2008 18:36:24 GMT+02:00
*Oggetto: **Re: Replace deprecated methods and constructors of entity
delegator classes*
*Rispondi a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The cleanup that was done before in the GenericDelegator was just this: cleanup (by deprecation) first in the framework and then based on that
cleanup the apps that use those methods.

I think what Marco is proposing is deprecating more GenericDelegator
methods than were done in the first pass. My opinion on it is that enough
have been deprecated to accomplish the goal of simplifying the
GenericDelegator API by leaving only flexible methods (findOne for example) and popular methods (certain variations of findByPrimaryKey for example).


On Sep 25, 2008, at 10:31 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

If we do any deprecated code cleanup, I'd like to see it happen in the
framework first - as part of the preparation for framework release.


David E Jones wrote:

The goal of the deprecation effort was to reduce the size of the
GenericDelegator API, not to replace all old methods, some of which are nice
to have around as they are more convenient.

Of course, others may have different opinions, so I hope to see more on
this thread.


On Sep 25, 2008, at 8:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi to all,

I have created a document in confluence (
about replace all the deprecated methods and constructors of entity

I would like to start working on this conversions.

Is it exactly that we don't want to replace for example all the
findByPrimaryKey methods to findOne but only some of this ?

Is it why it needs a lot of stuff to replace ?

It's seems to me that could be better also to convert this methods not
actually declared as deprecated.

I'm thinking that at the end we will use only findOne and findList methods.

Let me know your thought.

Thanks in advance


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