
New web pos application looks great, haven't had much chance to look in
detail but well done for getting it started as I'm sure it will gain
more support now you've got it rolling.

some more comments in line:

> Hi to all,
> I would like to share with you the new improvements and bug fixing on the new 
> web pos component that I have in my mind:
> - On PosTerminal entity add a new "terminalName" field.
>   It can be used in the new web pos login form to see the pos terminal name 
> instead of the posTerminalId.
seems reasonable
> - On PosTerminalInternTx entity add a new "paymentReasonId" field.
>   It can be used to store the enumeration payment reason id IN/OUT during Pos 
> Paid IN/OUT 
>   so that the pos manager can select a causal why output/input money from/to 
> the cash drawer 
>   and in alternative can insert a comment.
> - CLEAR PAYMENT button is not working correctly because it clears now only 
> the first payment of the cart.
>   I would like to add a form that shows you all the payment amount by type 
>   and selecting a payment it will be deleted from the cart.
Even though reasonably familiar with the XUI POS I did find the
navigation and menus on the right very confusing in the new web pos.
Quite often I got lost and had to rely on old knowledge to best work out
the next step. It made me think now would be a good time to make sure
that area was much more user friendly, maybe a top row of buttons that
remain constant and others separated to be clear, or even processes like
payment can take over more of the screen, we don't have to keep it all
on the right for every stage.
> - PAYMENT SET REF. button is not working correctly because it sets now only 
> the first payment of the cart.
>   I would like to change this form that shows you all the used payment of the 
> cart 
>   and then selecting one of this you can set the payment reference.
again UI comments as above to make it easier to handle multi payments
types etc.
> - To support the POS devices from the new web pos component I would like to 
> support the new emerging
>   XMLPOS standard interface introduced this year into UNIFIED POS 1.12.
>   It will be possible to comunicate with POS devices directly from the 
> browser 
>   sending xml messages to the devices (probably via HTTP).
>   You can take a look at this link 
> ( to see the details.
Interesting and certainly something OFBiz POS would need to progress at
some stage. But I've only had a glance over it so not entirely sure how
it all fits together and just have more questions like where does the
driver sit (must still be one surely), how do you configure the
terminals, how do you register return events from devices....

>From a time and effort perspective it might be worth first considering
the re-use of existing code route if it can be done via an applet or
something. It might enable you deliver a functioning web pos module
sooner using a reasonably well tested code base, and it won't all be
wasted effort if it's later replaced with the XMLPOS because parts like
terminal configuration must be needed for both routes.

> I would like to get some feedbacks before to start to develop it.
> Thanks
> Marco

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