Yes, you are right. https://localhost:8443/facility/control/ViewFacilityInventoryItemsDetails works with postgres 8.2.9 Maybe it even comes from my own Postgres 8.3 installation. I will try with a new one.



From: "Scott Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Jacques

I really don't think it has anything to do with groovy, it is just
passing a simple string into the entity condition which is no more or
less than beanshell would have done.  I think it just seems that way
because we noticed the problem after the beanshell->groovy switch, the
change probably came from postgresql in some recent version.

I'll have a look at the double problem as soon as I get a chance.


2008/10/13 Jacques Le Roux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi Scott,

No time to look into details tonight. Just to let you know that I considered
this a Groovy issue because it seems that the same code used in Beanshell
did not have this problem. Maybe it's no related to Groovy itself, but the
way we interface it ?

BTW we have the same kind of issue (not timestamp related though) at
There it's between  "double precision" and "character varying". I guess, the
same kinf of fix may be applied as well


From: "Scott Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've had a look into this and I can't see anything related to Groovy
that is making this necessary, it appears to be entirely a postgresql

When executing a prepared statement postgresql seems to require that
the parameter list sql types match the column types.  So the problem
isn't that we are passing in a string but that we are setting the sql
type to character varying by using PreparedStatement.setString().

Here's a patch that fixes the issue but I'm not really confident
enough to commit it, it would be great to get some comments from
people who know more about this kind of thing:

Index: framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/jdbc/
--- framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/jdbc/ (revision
+++ framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/jdbc/ (working
@@ -592,6 +592,22 @@
    * @throws SQLException
+    public void setValueTimestampString(String field) throws SQLException
+        if (field != null) {
+            _ps.setObject(_ind, field, Types.TIMESTAMP);
+        } else {
+            _ps.setNull(_ind, Types.TIMESTAMP);
+        }
+        _ind++;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the next binding variable of the currently active prepared
+     *
+     * @param field
+     *
+     * @throws SQLException
+     */
   public void setValue(java.sql.Time field) throws SQLException {
       if (field != null) {
           _ps.setTime(_ind, field);
Index: framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/jdbc/
--- framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/jdbc/ (revision
+++ framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/jdbc/ (working
@@ -731,6 +731,9 @@
                   fieldClassName = "byte[]";

+                if ("java.sql.Timestamp".equals(fieldType)) {
+                fieldClassName = fieldType;
+                }
               if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("type of
field " + entityName + "." + modelField.getName() +
                       " is " + fieldClassName + ", was expecting "
+ mft.getJavaType() + "; this may " +
                       "indicate an error in the configuration or in
the class, and may result " +
@@ -749,7 +752,11 @@

           case 2:
-                sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Timestamp) fieldValue);
+            if (fieldValue instanceof String) {
+            sqlP.setValueTimestampString((String) fieldValue);
+            } else {
+            sqlP.setValue((java.sql.Timestamp) fieldValue);
+            }

           case 3:


2008/10/13 Jacques Le Roux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Done in revision: 703816
It was not possible for PackingSlip.groovy and
 FindInventoryEventPlan.groovy. Because there the date string is build
dynamically in the Groovy file


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Yes good idea indeed, I will do that


From: "Adrian Crum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Instead of modifying the groovy files, try specifying the data type in
the screen widget.

Example in ReportFinancialSummaryScreens.xml:

<set field="fromDate" from-field="parameters.fromDate"
<set field="thruDate" from-field="parameters.thruDate"



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