I hadn't thought of that - thanks!


David E Jones wrote:

On Nov 4, 2008, at 10:45 AM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Thanks for the reply David! Comments inline...

David E Jones wrote:
1. if you're doing a custom servlet you could even just do a ControlServlet request event, and then all of the OFBiz context stuff (service/entity engines, etc) is already setup for you

I considered that, but all I needed in the end was the delegator, so I C&P the ControlServlet code to get that. The iCalendar servlet is around 100 lines, and I guessed a new request handler might take more than that. *shrug* Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

You wouldn't need a new request handler, just an event written in java (ie <event type="java" ...>).


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