I would like to help improve postal address input and formatting in OFBiz to provide better support for international customers and shipments.

The general idea is that a specified country would change how the postal address input form is arranged and labeled, and how the postal address is formatted for display. This would have a side effect of consolidating the input and display formatting into central locations.

No data model changes are required, though a case could be made for adding a field "address3" to the postal address entity.

To start, this could be as simple as having two generic templates:

        Address 1
        Address 2
        Address 3*
        City, State, Postal Code


        Address 1
        Address 2
        Address 3*
        Postal Code, City, State

(this is how UPS handles formatting for their Smart Labels, except they display Address 321 instead of 123)

and then adding more country-specific templates as desired.

Is there any additional interest in this? Any comments or suggestions?



http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-203 - discussion related to a proposed freemarker implementation from 2006

http://www.upu.int/post_code/en/postal_addressing_systems_member_countries.shtml - address formats

http://xml.coverpages.org/Lubenow-UPUS42.html - UPU S42 Standard on International Postal Address Components and Templates (fairly interesting, but not freely available and appears to only have XML templates for 15 countries)

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