
I have an improvement to propose on form renderer on the size display. When we display a list that contains many information, column position in the screen depends on the text size include on the table. If a create a screen with the goal to display on 1024*760 resolution, is possible that the table exceeds the screen limit. I create a little example of this problem : http://librenberry.librenberry.net/ColumnSize.png.

Proposal is to add an attribute that specify the size to display (number character to display). When the table is display if the attribute is define, the renderer create a fixed size for the column and all text exceeds are truncated. A hint box is displayed when user mouse pass over the text.

Actually the improvement add an attribute on display field type but I think is not enough. I can continue the improvement to update this concept on all field to add the attribute on field element. I thinks it's possible to add an other attribute default-width-size on form definition.

Have you any idea on the proposal?

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