
can you please have a look at this commit again?

the 'update' button on the 'Internal Organization' screenlet of the
party profile screen does not work. If i add the employment to the
current logged-on user via  the 'hr' appl it does not show in this
screenlet either. Is the title ok? Isn't it not a list of employments?

Then the usage of the findEmployee.ftl here in a background application
is also not agreed on....can you please use forms?


On Tue, 2008-05-06 at 23:13 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Author: apatel
> Date: Tue May  6 16:13:13 2008
> New Revision: 653950
> URL:
> Log:
> Added find form for employee. New screenlet added for list of employments of 
> employee. Good start. Keep improving. Thanks Harsha for the Patch.
> Added:
>     ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/webapp/humanres/humanres/
> ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/webapp/humanres/humanres/findEmployee.ftl   
> (with props)
> Modified:
> ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/script/org/ofbiz/humanres/HumanResServices.xml
>     ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/widget/CommonScreens.xml
>     ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/widget/EmploymentScreens.xml
>     ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/widget/forms/EmploymentForms.xml
>     ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/webapp/partymgr/party/PartyForms.xml
>     ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/widget/partymgr/PartyScreens.xml
>     ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/widget/partymgr/ProfileScreens.xml
> Modified: 
> ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/script/org/ofbiz/humanres/HumanResServices.xml
> URL: 
> ==============================================================================
> --- 
> ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/script/org/ofbiz/humanres/HumanResServices.xml
>  (original)
> +++ 
> ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/script/org/ofbiz/humanres/HumanResServices.xml
>  Tue May  6 16:13:13 2008
> @@ -484,7 +484,8 @@
>          <set field="partyTypeId" value="PERSON"/>
>          <set field="parameters.roleTypeId" value="EMPLOYEE"/>
>          <call-simple-method method-name="createPersonRoleAndContactMechs" 
> xml-resource="org/ofbiz/party/party/PartySimpleMethods.xml"/>
> -         
> +        <field-to-result field-name="partyId"/> 
> +        
>          <if-not-empty field-name="parameters.partyIdFrom">
>              <set field="partyRelationshipCtx.partyId" from-field="partyId"/>
>              <set field="partyRelationshipCtx.partyIdFrom" 
> from-field="parameters.partyIdFrom"/>
> @@ -492,7 +493,11 @@
>              <set field="partyRelationshipCtx.roleTypeIdFrom" 
>              <set field="partyRelationshipCtx.roleTypeIdTo" value="EMPLOYEE"/>
>              <set field="partyRelationshipCtx.relationshipName" 
> value="EMPLOYMENT"/>
> -            <set field="partyRelationshipCtx.fromDate" 
> value="parameters.fromDate"/>
> +            <set field="partyRelationshipCtx.fromDate" 
> from-field="parameters.fromDate"/>
> +            <now-timestamp-to-env env-name="nowTimestamp"/>
> +            <if-empty field-name="partyRelationshipCtx.fromDate">
> +                <set field="partyRelationshipCtx.fromDate" 
> from-field="nowTimestamp"/>
> +            </if-empty>
>              <call-service service-name="createPartyRelationship" 
> in-map-name="partyRelationshipCtx"/>
>          </if-not-empty>
> @@ -527,7 +532,7 @@
>                  <result-to-field result-name="contactMechId" 
> field-name="contactMechId"/>
>              </call-service>  
>          </if-not-empty>                  
> -        <field-to-result field-name="partyId"/>
> +        
>      </simple-method>
>  </simple-methods>        
> \ No newline at end of file
> Added: 
> ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/webapp/humanres/humanres/findEmployee.ftl
> URL: 
> ==============================================================================
> --- 
> ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/webapp/humanres/humanres/findEmployee.ftl 
> (added)
> +++ 
> ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/webapp/humanres/humanres/findEmployee.ftl 
> Tue May  6 16:13:13 2008
> @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
> +<#--
> +Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
> +or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
> +distributed with this work for additional information
> +regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
> +to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
> +"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
> +with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
> +
> +
> +
> +Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
> +software distributed under the License is distributed on an
> +KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
> +specific language governing permissions and limitations
> +under the License.
> +-->
> +
> +<#assign extInfo = parameters.extInfo?default("N")>
> +<#assign inventoryItemId = parameters.inventoryItemId?default("")>
> +<#assign serialNumber = parameters.serialNumber?default("")>
> +<#assign softIdentifier = parameters.softIdentifier?default("")>
> +
> +<div id="findEmployee" class="screenlet">
> +    <div class="screenlet-title-bar">
> +        <ul>
> +            <li class="h3">${uiLabelMap.CommonFind} 
> ${uiLabelMap.HumanResEmployee}</li>
> +            <#if parameters.hideFields?default("N") == "Y">
> +                <li><a 
> href="<@ofbizUrl>findEmployees?hideFields=N${paramList}</@ofbizUrl>">${uiLabelMap.CommonShowLookupFields}</a></li>
> +            <#else>
> +            <#if partyList?exists><li><a 
> href="<@ofbizUrl>findEmployees?hideFields=Y${paramList}</@ofbizUrl>">${uiLabelMap.CommonHideFields}</a></li></#if>
> +                <li><a 
> href="javascript:document.lookupparty.submit();">${uiLabelMap.PartyLookupParty}</a></li>
> +            </#if>
> +        </ul>
> +        <br class="clear"/>
> +    </div>
> +    <#if parameters.hideFields?default("N") != "Y">
> +    <div class="screenlet-body">
> +      <#-- NOTE: this form is setup to allow a search by partial partyId or 
> userLoginId; to change it to go directly to 
> +          the viewprofile page when these are entered add the follow 
> attribute to the form element:
> +           
> +           
> onsubmit="javascript:lookupparty('<@ofbizUrl>viewprofile</@ofbizUrl>');"
> +       -->
> +        <form method="post" name="lookupparty" 
> action="<@ofbizUrl>findEmployees</@ofbizUrl>" class="basic-form">
> +            <input type="hidden" name="lookupFlag" value="Y"/>
> +            <input type="hidden" name="hideFields" value="Y"/>
> +            <table cellspacing="0">
> +                <tr><td 
> class="label">${uiLabelMap.PartyContactInformation}</td>
> +                    <td><input type="radio" name="extInfo" value="N" 
> onclick="javascript:refreshInfo();" <#if extInfo == 
> "N">checked="checked"</#if>/>${uiLabelMap.CommonNone}&nbsp;
> +                        <input type="radio" name="extInfo" value="P" 
> onclick="javascript:refreshInfo();" <#if extInfo == 
> "P">checked="checked"</#if>/>${uiLabelMap.PartyPostal}&nbsp;
> +                        <input type="radio" name="extInfo" value="T" 
> onclick="javascript:refreshInfo();" <#if extInfo == 
> "T">checked="checked"</#if>/>${uiLabelMap.PartyTelecom}&nbsp;
> +                        <input type="radio" name="extInfo" value="O" 
> onclick="javascript:refreshInfo();" <#if extInfo == 
> "O">checked="checked"</#if>/>${uiLabelMap.CommonOther}&nbsp;
> +                    </td>
> +                </tr>
> +                <tr><td class='label'>${uiLabelMap.PartyPartyId}</td>
> +                    <td><input type='text' name='partyId' 
> value='${requestParameters.partyId?if_exists}'/>
> +                    <a 
> href="javascript:call_fieldlookup2(document.lookupparty.partyId,'LookupPerson');">
> +                        <img src='/images/fieldlookup.gif' width='15' 
> height='14' border='0' alt='Click here For Field Lookup'/>
> +                    </a></td>
> +                </tr>
> +                <tr><td class="label">${uiLabelMap.PartyUserLogin}</td>
> +                    <td><input type="text" name="userLoginId" 
> value="${parameters.userLoginId?if_exists}"/></td>
> +                </tr>
> +                <tr><td class="label">${uiLabelMap.PartyLastName}</td>
> +                    <td><input type="text" name="lastName" 
> value="${parameters.lastName?if_exists}"/></td>
> +                </tr><td class="label">${uiLabelMap.PartyFirstName}</td>
> +                    <td><input type="text" name="firstName" 
> value="${parameters.firstName?if_exists}"/></td>
> +                </tr>
> +                <tr><td><input type="hidden" name="groupName" 
> value="${parameters.groupName?if_exists}"/></td></tr>
> +                <tr><input type="hidden" name="roleTypeId" 
> value="EMPLOYEE"/></tr>
> +            <#if extInfo == "P">
> +                <tr><td colspan="3"><hr/></td></tr><tr>
> +                    <td class="label">${uiLabelMap.CommonAddress1}</td>
> +                    <td><input type="text" name="address1" 
> value="${parameters.address1?if_exists}"/></td>
> +                </tr>
> +                <tr><td class="label">${uiLabelMap.CommonAddress2}</td>
> +                    <td><input type="text" name="address2" 
> value="${parameters.address2?if_exists}"/></td>
> +                </tr>
> +                <tr><td class="label">${uiLabelMap.CommonCity}</td>
> +                    <td><input type="text" name="city" 
> value="${}"/></td>
> +                </tr>
> +                <tr><td class="label">${uiLabelMap.CommonStateProvince}</td>
> +                    <td><select name="stateProvinceGeoId">
> +                        <#if currentStateGeo?has_content>
> +                            <option 
> value="${currentStateGeo.geoId}">${currentStateGeo.geoName?default(currentStateGeo.geoId)}</option>
> +                            <option 
> value="${currentStateGeo.geoId}">---</option>
> +                        </#if>
> +                            <option 
> value="ANY">${uiLabelMap.CommonAnyStateProvince}</option>
> +                            
> ${screens.render("component://common/widget/CommonScreens.xml#states")}
> +                        </select>
> +                    </td>
> +                </tr>
> +                <tr><td class="label">${uiLabelMap.PartyPostalCode}</td>
> +                    <td><input type="text" name="postalCode" 
> value="${parameters.postalCode?if_exists}"/></td>
> +                </tr>
> +            </#if>
> +            <#if extInfo == "T">
> +                <tr><td colspan="3"><hr/></td></tr>
> +                <tr><td class="label">${uiLabelMap.PartyCountryCode}</td>
> +                    <td><input type="text" name="countryCode" 
> value="${parameters.countryCode?if_exists}"/></td>
> +                </tr>
> +                <tr><td class="label">${uiLabelMap.PartyAreaCode}</td>
> +                    <td><input type="text" name="areaCode" 
> value="${parameters.areaCode?if_exists}"/></td>
> +                </tr>
> +                <tr><td class="label">${uiLabelMap.PartyContactNumber}</td>
> +                    <td><input type="text" name="contactNumber" 
> value="${parameters.contactNumber?if_exists}"/></td>
> +                </tr>
> +            </#if>
> +            <#if extInfo == "O">
> +                <tr><td colspan="3"><hr/></td></tr>
> +                <tr><td 
> class="label">${uiLabelMap.PartyContactInformation}</td>
> +                    <td><input type="text" name="infoString" 
> value="${parameters.infoString?if_exists}"/></td>
> +                </tr>
> +            </#if>
> +                <tr><td colspan="3"><hr/></td></tr>
> +                <tr align="center">
> +                    <td>&nbsp;</td>
> +                    <td><input type="submit" 
> value="${uiLabelMap.PartyLookupParty}" 
> onClick="javascript:document.lookupparty.submit();"/>
> +                        <a 
> href="<@ofbizUrl>findEmployees?showAll=Y&amp;hideFields=Y&amp;lookupFlag=Y</@ofbizUrl>"
>  class="smallSubmit">${uiLabelMap.CommonShowAllRecords}</a>
> +                    </td>
> +                </tr>
> +            </table>
> +        </form>
> +    </div>
> +    </#if>
> +</div>
> +    <#if parameters.hideFields?default("N") != "Y">
> +        <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
> +    <!--//
> +      document.lookupparty.partyId.focus();
> +    //-->
> +        </script>
> +    </#if>
> +    <#if partyList?exists>
> +    <br/>
> +    <div id="findEmployeeResults" class="screenlet">
> +        <div class="screenlet-title-bar">
> +            <ul>
> +                <li class="h3">${uiLabelMap.PartyPartiesFound}</li>
> +                <#if (partyListSize > 0)>
> +                    <#if (partyListSize > highIndex)>
> +                        <li><a class="nav-next" 
> href="<@ofbizUrl>findEmployees?VIEW_SIZE=${viewSize}&amp;VIEW_INDEX=${viewIndex-1}&amp;hideFields=${parameters.hideFields?default("N")}${paramList}</@ofbizUrl>">${uiLabelMap.CommonNext}</a></li>
> +                    <#else>
> +                        <li class="disabled">${uiLabelMap.CommonNext}</li>
> +                    </#if>
> +                    <li>${lowIndex} - ${highIndex} ${uiLabelMap.CommonOf} 
> ${partyListSize}</li>
> +                    <#if (viewIndex > 0)>
> +                        <li><a class="nav-previous" 
> href="<@ofbizUrl>findEmployees?VIEW_SIZE=${viewSize}&amp;VIEW_INDEX=${viewIndex-1}&amp;hideFields=${parameters.hideFields?default("N")}${paramList}</@ofbizUrl>">${uiLabelMap.CommonPrevious}</a></li>
> +                    <#else>
> +                        <li 
> class="disabled">${uiLabelMap.CommonPrevious}</li>
> +                    </#if>
> +                </#if>
> +            </ul> 
> +            <br class="clear"/>
> +        </div>
> +    <#if partyList?has_content>
> +        <table class="basic-table" cellspacing="0">
> +            <tr class="header-row">
> +                <td>${uiLabelMap.PartyPartyId}</td>
> +                <td>${uiLabelMap.PartyUserLogin}</td>
> +                <td>${uiLabelMap.PartyName}</td>
> +                <#if extInfo?default("") == "P" >
> +                    <td>${uiLabelMap.PartyCity}</td>
> +                </#if>
> +                <#if extInfo?default("") == "P">
> +                    <td>${uiLabelMap.PartyPostalCode}</td>
> +                </#if>
> +                <#if extInfo?default("") == "T">
> +                    <td>${uiLabelMap.PartyAreaCode}</td>
> +                </#if>
> +                <td>${uiLabelMap.PartyType}</td>
> +                <td>&nbsp;</td>
> +            </tr>
> +            <#assign alt_row = false>
> +            <#list partyList as partyRow>
> +            <#assign partyType = 
> partyRow.getRelatedOne("PartyType")?if_exists>
> +            <tr valign="middle"<#if alt_row> class="alternate-row"</#if>>
> +                <td><a 
> href="<@ofbizUrl>viewprofile?partyId=${partyRow.partyId}</@ofbizUrl>">${partyRow.partyId}</a></td>
> +                <td><#if partyRow.containsKey("userLoginId")>
> +                        ${partyRow.userLoginId?default("N/A")}
> +                    <#else>
> +                    <#assign userLogins = partyRow.getRelated("UserLogin")>
> +                    <#if (userLogins.size() > 0)>
> +                        <#if (userLogins.size() > 1)>
> +                            (${uiLabelMap.CommonMany})
> +                        <#else>
> +                        <#assign userLogin = userLogins.get(0)>
> +                            ${userLogin.userLoginId}
> +                        </#if>
> +                        <#else>
> +                            (${uiLabelMap.CommonNone})
> +                        </#if>
> +                    </#if>
> +                </td> 
> +                <td><#if partyRow.getModelEntity().isField("lastName") && 
> lastName?has_content>
> +                        ${partyRow.lastName}<#if 
> partyRow.firstName?has_content>, ${partyRow.firstName}</#if>
> +                    <#elseif partyRow.getModelEntity().isField("groupName") 
> && partyRow.groupName?has_content>
> +                        ${partyRow.groupName}
> +                    <#else>
> +                    <#assign partyName = 
> Static[""].getPartyName(partyRow, true)>
> +                    <#if partyName?has_content>
> +                        ${partyName}
> +                    <#else>
> +                        (${uiLabelMap.PartyNoNameFound})
> +                    </#if>
> +                    </#if>
> +                </td>
> +                <#if extInfo?default("") == "T">
> +                    <td>${partyRow.areaCode?if_exists}</td>
> +                </#if>
> +                <#if extInfo?default("") == "P" >
> +                    <td>${}, 
> ${partyRow.stateProvinceGeoId?if_exists}</td>
> +                </#if>
> +                <#if extInfo?default("") == "P">
> +                    <td>${partyRow.postalCode?if_exists}</td>
> +                </#if>
> +                <td><#if 
> partyType.description?exists>${partyType.get("description", 
> locale)}<#else>???</#if></td>
> +                <td class="button-col align-float">
> +                    <a 
> href="<@ofbizUrl>viewprofile?partyId=${partyRow.partyId}</@ofbizUrl>">${uiLabelMap.CommonDetails}</a>
> +                </td>
> +            </tr>
> +          <#-- toggle the row color -->
> +            <#assign alt_row = !alt_row>
> +            </#list>
> +        </table>
> +    <#else>
> +        <div class="screenlet-body">
> +            <span class="h3">${uiLabelMap.PartyNoPartiesFound}</span>        
> +        </div>
> +    </#if>
> +    <#if lookupErrorMessage?exists>
> +        <div><h3>${lookupErrorMessage}</h3></div>
> +    </#if>
> +        <div>&nbsp;</div>
> +    </#if>
> +<!-- end findEmployees.ftl -->
> Propchange: 
> ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/webapp/humanres/humanres/findEmployee.ftl
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     svn:eol-style = native
> Propchange: 
> ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/webapp/humanres/humanres/findEmployee.ftl
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     svn:keywords = Date Rev Author URL Id
> Propchange: 
> ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/webapp/humanres/humanres/findEmployee.ftl
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     svn:mime-type = text/plain
> Modified: ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/widget/CommonScreens.xml
> URL: 
> ==============================================================================
> --- ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/widget/CommonScreens.xml (original)
> +++ ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/widget/CommonScreens.xml Tue May  6 
> 16:13:13 2008
> @@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
>                       then the global layoutSettings.commonHeaderImageUrl 
> (specified in GlobalDecorator) will be used. -->
>                  <!--<set field="layoutSettings.headerImageUrl" 
> value="/images/ofbiz_logo.jpg" global="true"/>-->
>                  <set field="activeApp" value="humanres" global="true"/>
> +                <set field="layoutSettings.javaScripts[]" 
> value="/partymgr/static/partymgr.js" global="true"/>
> +                <set field="layoutSettings.styleSheets[]" 
> value="/partymgr/static/partymgr.css" global="true"/>
>                  <set field="appheaderTemplate" 
> value="component://humanres/webapp/humanres/includes/appheader.ftl" 
> global="true"/>
>              </actions>
>              <widgets>
> @@ -231,4 +233,4 @@
>              </widgets>
>          </section>
>      </screen>
> -</screens>
> \ No newline at end of file
> +</screens>
> Modified: ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/widget/EmploymentScreens.xml
> URL: 
> ==============================================================================
> --- ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/widget/EmploymentScreens.xml (original)
> +++ ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/widget/EmploymentScreens.xml Tue May  6 
> 16:13:13 2008
> @@ -534,22 +534,27 @@
>              <widgets>
>                  <decorator-screen name="main-decorator" 
> location="${parameters.mainDecoratorLocation}">
>                      <decorator-section name="body">                          
> -                        <container style="screenlet">
> -                            <container style="screenlet-title-bar">
> -                                <container style="h3">
> -                                    <label text="${uiLabelMap.CommonFind} 
> ${uiLabelMap.HumanResEmployee}"/>
> +                        <section>
> +                            <actions>
> +                                <service service-name="findParty" 
> auto-field-map="true"/>
> +                                <set field="tabButtonItem" value="Employee"/>
> +                            </actions>
> +                            <widgets>
> +                                <container>
> +                                    <link target="CreateEmployee" 
> text="${uiLabelMap.PartyCreateNewEmployee}" style="buttontext" />
>                                  </container>
> -                            </container>
> -                            <container style="screenlet-body">
>                                  <section>
>                                      <widgets>
> -                                        <container>
> -                                            <link target="CreateEmployee" 
> text="${uiLabelMap.PartyCreateNewEmployee}" style="buttontext" />
> -                                        </container>
> +                                        <platform-specific>
> +                                            <html><html-template 
> location="component://humanres/webapp/humanres/humanres/findEmployee.ftl"/></html>
> +                                        </platform-specific>                 
>                                      </widgets>
>                                  </section>
> -                            </container>
> -                        </container>
> +                            </widgets>
> +                            <fail-widgets>
> +                                <label 
> style="h3">${uiLabelMap.PartyMgrViewPermissionError}</label>
> +                            </fail-widgets>
> +                        </section>
>                      </decorator-section>
>                  </decorator-screen>
>              </widgets>            
> @@ -582,4 +587,4 @@
>              </widgets>            
>          </section>
>      </screen> 
> -</screens>
> \ No newline at end of file
> +</screens>
> Modified: ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/widget/forms/EmploymentForms.xml
> URL: 
> ==============================================================================
> --- ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/widget/forms/EmploymentForms.xml 
> (original)
> +++ ofbiz/trunk/applications/humanres/widget/forms/EmploymentForms.xml Tue 
> May  6 16:13:13 2008
> @@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
>          <field name="firstName" title="${uiLabelMap.PartyFirstName}" 
> tooltip="${uiLabelMap.CommonRequired}" widget-style="required"><text 
> size="30"/></field>
>          <field name="middleName" 
> title="${uiLabelMap.PartyMiddleInitial}"><text/></field>
>          <field name="lastName" title="${uiLabelMap.PartyLastName}" 
> tooltip="${uiLabelMap.CommonRequired}" widget-style="required"><text 
> size="30"/></field>
> -        <field name="EmployedTo" tooltip="${uiLabelMap.CommonRequired}" 
> widget-style="required">
> +        <field name="partyIdFrom" 
> title="${uiLabelMap.OrderOrderEntryInternalOrganziation}" 
> tooltip="${uiLabelMap.CommonRequired}" widget-style="required">
>              <drop-down allow-empty="true">
>                  <entity-options entity-name="PartyRole" 
> key-field-name="partyId" description="${partyId}">
>                      <entity-constraint name="roleTypeId" operator="equals" 
> value="INTERNAL_ORGANIZATIO"/>                    
> @@ -435,4 +435,4 @@
>          <field name="otherEmail" 
> title="${uiLabelMap.PartyOtherEmailAddress}"><text size="60" 
> maxlength="250"/></field>
>          <field name="submitButton" title="${uiLabelMap.CommonCreate}" 
> widget-style="buttontext"><submit button-type="text-link"/></field>
>      </form>    
> -</forms>
> \ No newline at end of file
> +</forms>
> Modified: ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/webapp/partymgr/party/PartyForms.xml
> URL: 
> ==============================================================================
> --- ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/webapp/partymgr/party/PartyForms.xml 
> (original)
> +++ ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/webapp/partymgr/party/PartyForms.xml Tue 
> May  6 16:13:13 2008
> @@ -578,5 +578,24 @@
>          <field name="fromDate" title="${uiLabelMap.CommonFromDate}" 
> tooltip="${uiLabelMap.CommonRequired}"/>
>          <field name="accountNumber" 
> title="${uiLabelMap.AccountingAccountNumber}" 
> tooltip="${uiLabelMap.CommonRequired}"/>
>          <field name="submitButton" title="${uiLabelMap.CommonAdd}"><submit 
> button-type="button"/></field>
> -    </form>   
> +    </form> 
> +    
> +    <form name="ListInternalOrganization" type="list" 
> paginate-target="findEmployees" 
> +        odd-row-style="alternate-row" default-table-style="basic-table 
> hover-bar">
> +        <actions>
> +            <entity-condition entity-name="PartyRelationship">
> +                <condition-list combine="and">
> +                    <condition-expr field-name="roleTypeIdFrom" 
> operator="equals" value="INTERNAL_ORGANIZATIO"/>
> +                    <condition-expr field-name="roleTypeIdTo" 
> operator="equals" value="EMPLOYEE"/>
> +                    <condition-expr field-name="partyIdTo" operator="equals" 
> value="${parameters.partyId}"/>
> +                    <condition-expr field-name="relationshipName" 
> operator="equals" value="EMPLOYMENT"/>
> +                </condition-list>
> +                <order-by field-name="-fromDate"/>
> +            </entity-condition>
> +        </actions>
> +        <field name="partyIdFrom">
> +            <hyperlink target="viewprofile?partyId=${partyIdFrom}" 
> description="${partyIdFrom}"/>
> +        </field>
> +        <field name="fromDate"><display/></field>
> +    </form>  
>  </forms>
> \ No newline at end of file
> Modified: ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/widget/partymgr/PartyScreens.xml
> URL: 
> ==============================================================================
> --- ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/widget/partymgr/PartyScreens.xml (original)
> +++ ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/widget/partymgr/PartyScreens.xml Tue May  
> 6 16:13:13 2008
> @@ -116,6 +116,7 @@
>                                              <include-screen 
> name="ShipperAccount" 
> location="component://party/widget/partymgr/ProfileScreens.xml"/>
>                                              <include-screen name="Notes" 
> location="component://party/widget/partymgr/ProfileScreens.xml"/>
>                                              <include-screen name="mytasks" 
> location="component://party/widget/partymgr/ProfileScreens.xml"/>
> +                                            <include-screen 
> name="viewInteralOrg" 
> location="component://party/widget/partymgr/ProfileScreens.xml"/>
>                                          </container>
>                                      </widgets>
>                                  </section>
> Modified: ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/widget/partymgr/ProfileScreens.xml
> URL: 
> ==============================================================================
> --- ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/widget/partymgr/ProfileScreens.xml 
> (original)
> +++ ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/widget/partymgr/ProfileScreens.xml Tue May 
>  6 16:13:13 2008
> @@ -406,4 +406,30 @@
>              </widgets>
>          </section>
>      </screen>
> +    
> +    <screen name="viewInteralOrg">
> +        <section>
> +            <actions>
> +                <set field="headerItem" value="internalOrganization"/>
> +                <set field="roleTypeId" value="EMPLOYEE"/>
> +            </actions>
> +            <widgets>
> +                <container style="screenlet">
> +                    <container style="screenlet-title-bar">
> +                        <container style="boxlink">
> +                            <link target="EditEmployment" 
> style="lightbuttontext" text="${uiLabelMap.CommonUpdate}"/>  
> +                        </container>
> +                        <label 
> style="h3">${uiLabelMap.OrderOrderEntryInternalOrganziation}</label>
> +                    </container>
> +                    <container style="screenlet-body">
> +                        <section>
> +                            <widgets>
> +                                <include-form 
> name="ListInternalOrganization" 
> location="component://party/webapp/partymgr/party/PartyForms.xml"/>
> +                            </widgets>
> +                        </section>
> +                    </container>
> +                </container>       
> +            </widgets>
> +        </section>
> +    </screen>
>  </screens>
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