Adam Heath wrote:
> I just had an OutOfMemoryError on one of our deployments.  I then ran
> jmap, to do a heap dump, and looked at the resulting java.hprof binary
> file using IBM's HeapAnalyzer(1), and jhat.
> What I found, was a WeakHashMap inside dbcp, that contained 346000
> WeakHashMap$Entry objects, taking up 125M of memory, out of 193M total
> heap.  These Entry objects contain Transaction instances, not Connections.
> Has anyone ran into something similiar?  This is against ofbiz version
> 595296.
> ps: I'm currently running the ofbiz test cases in this ofbiz version on
> an 8-way machine, with 8G of ram, underneath hprof, trying to track this
> down.
> 1:

Got it.  This version of ofbiz is using commons-dbcp 20070730, and a
leak fix was done on 20081012.  I'll retest, you can ignore this mail
for now.

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