Mmm, still no notifications since my notification changes, a bit weird isn'it ? It is because I made some changes since then and was not notified. Precendently I was notified of such changes (my own and others also of course)
It was very handy to work with the Wiki...!

Anybody at HWM aware of any change which could have caused that ?



From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>

I'm not sure why, but untill 25 november I was automatically notified of any changes done in our Confluence Wiki. I remember having set a parameter when we 1st migrate to Confluence. Something surely happened since I had today to explicilty change a parameter on *all* spaces I want to be notified changes in (actually all spaces). And I clearly remember not having done this at the beginning, or at least not to have changed it since. So if you want to continue to be notified about Confluence changes too, I guess you will have to do the same. How to do it is explained in This can be done per page too.



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