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Be glad to

Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 12/21/2008 9:58 AM:
> HI BJ,
> I have updated
> http://docs.ofbiz.org/display/OFBADMIN/New+Features+Roadmap+-+Living+Document
> with some UI enhancements suggested these last months. Could you please
> elaborate your propostion, I'm not sure to well understand it
> Thanks
> Jacques
> From: "BJ Freeman" <bjf...@free-man.net>
>> I think this would be best handle by the rendering looking up a text
>> string tooltip_$fieldname in the I8n files.
>> Sven Wesley sent the following on 11/17/2008 3:54 AM:
>>> Tool tips for labels/fields would enhance the gui a lot. I've been
>>> running a
>>> project with ofbiz for a while now and it's a time eater to find out
>>> what
>>> fields are about.
>>> 2008/11/17 BJ Freeman <bjf...@free-man.net>
>>>> ofcourse then you can enhance the tool tip to handle links
>>>> then you could just modify the I8N files without touching code.
>>>> "Click here to ($whatever)"
>>>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/17/2008 3:38 AM:
>>>>> For a first effort, I would think that the tools tips that direct a
>>>>> user
>>>>> to the steps would be sufficient.
>>>>> that in it self is a large project for a community driven project.
>>>>> especially with all the I8n needed.
>>>>> like
>>>>> "create new ($whatever) by clicking on ($whatever1)tab and click on
>>>>> ($whatever2) link"
>>>>> could make the tooltip a template and ($whaterver1-2) is the only
>>>>> things
>>>>> that is a variable.
>>>>> Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 11/17/2008 1:51 AM:
>>>>>> How to allow to create a party from where it could be needed
>>>>>> Following Bruno's suggestion about Compiere UI
>>>> http://www.compiere.com/products/product-demos/tour/compiere_window_navigation.htm
>>>>>> I suggest that we put a link to
>>>>>> https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/createnew everywhere we
>>>>>> have a
>>>>>> party lookup, using the party
>>>>>> label at left of the field. Actually we could generalising
>>>>>> everywhere we
>>>>>> have a lookup for something.
>>>>>> I know it's easy to click on the Party tab and then on create new.
>>>>>> But
>>>>>> after reading BJ's reading suggestion
>>>>>> http://www.uie.com/articles/design_intuitive/, I think it's an
>>>>>> easy way
>>>>>> to teach newbies how to do it. Easy for us to introduce, and
>>>>>> easy for newbies to use, maybe with a tooltip "click on party to
>>>>>> create". This would fill the Condition #2 of the article above
>>>>>> Of course being able to show the screen where the choice of the
>>>>>> type of
>>>>>> party to create is done, and then the screen where data are
>>>>>> entered in a CSS hidden/shown window like the calendar would be great
>>>>>> and could be our next target. This would allow to not leave the
>>>>>> page the user is on and would create a less disturbing
>>>>>> environment. But
>>>>>> I know that this would also mean to preload these windows in
>>>>>> memory and is maybe out of reach at the moment (from a memory POV,
>>>>>> without speaking of the code needed). Else we could do the same
>>>>>> thing for all the lookups, having them poping up as fast as the
>>>>>> calendar. From a code POV, perhaps generalising from the calendar
>>>>>> code
>>>>>> could be a way
>>>>>> Jacques
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