
It's great to have your help with all of this stuff. I'm sorry you got caught in the changes as some needed are not totally trivial, and I was changing them manually (instead of search/replace) in order to test things as I went along. It looks like there was one case were backward compatibility was broken, but that was my first priority before migrating everything because even for "trivial" changes like this testing is important and realistically issues are guaranteed to arise (that's usually true when you only have a couple of changes, and absolutely certain when you get into the hundreds and thousands of changes).

It seems like you have things pretty well underway, so thanks gain for your help on all of this and for the patience of others too.


On Dec 31, 2008, at 2:15 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

I wonder about something : before tags used in simple-method and other XML files where consistent now it's not. For instance consider "<if-compare field-name" it's always used in widget screens and menus conditions. Same for "<entity-and list- name" and I guess most of others.

Any comments ?



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