Sorry, I just noticed that the link I have for the JIRA Issue is missing the
'6' at the end.  Here is the correct link:


On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Brett Palmer <> wrote:

> Developers,
> I've created a JIRA ticket (ofbiz-2116) to track the proposal for including
> SeleniumXml as one of the test tools provided in OFBiz. The ticket includes
> the following files:
>    -
>    Instructions on how to apply the patch and run the sample test
>    -
>    Zip file of all source code and Apache compliant libraries needed for
>    seleniumXml
>    -
>    Patch file with changes to the testtools/build.xml and
>    files in ofbiz.
>    -
> The sample seleniumXml test included with the distribution is a simple test
> that runs against the ofbiz example application. The test does not
> demonstrate all of the features of the selenium xml tool but provides a good
> example of how it can be used.
> Please update the JIRA ticket with your comments or post them to this
> mailing list and I'll continue to drive the effort.  If you have problems
> running the example let me know as well. I tested it running Firefox 3.0.5
> and IE 7.0. You can sometimes run into browser problems if you do not have
> sufficient rights on your box as selenium tries to run the browser with
> predetermined preferences (this can be customized but that's a future
> discussion).
> Here is some specific feedback I am looking for:
>    -
>    Review of file locations and package names. I put the seleniumXml files
>    under the testtools component. The sample tests are also located in the
>    testdef/seleniumxml/example directory. Let me know if you think the files
>    should be located some place else. In the future perhaps the testtool
>    component could be an application to launch specific tests from the 
> browser.
>    -
>    What features you would like to see or demonstrated.
> TODO Items
>    -
>    Integrate seleniumxml into the OFBiz test build process. This will let
>    a user execute selenium tests from ant and define them in their application
>    component.
>    -
>    JavaDoc like feature for including test documentation with the XML test
>    scripts. A build would generate all the test documentation from these 
> files.
>    -
>    More examples of how to use the framework
>    -
>    More ofbiz application tests
>    -
>    Define common seed data
>    -
>    Clean up operations for the tests
> I am interested in getting more ofbiz application tests started.  To help
> jump start this effort if you will send me a recorded test using Selenium
> IDE, I will convert the test to seleniumXml and include it in the
> distribution.  Please include any notes that would be helpful for the tests
> (e.g. what you are trying to verify with the test and what data the test
> should capture).   Another requirement is that the test has to work "out of
> the box" from the trunk.  It can't depend on any custom code or data.
> Thanks,
> Brett

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