while working on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2172 and
I came to a point where I think I need a clarification (or a link
where I can read some information).

I had the conviction that a WebSite entity was a way to model a webapp in OFBiz.
An entity where all webapp parameters were hosted.
This was the reason why I extended the definition of a WebSiteId to
almost all webapp web.xml files (rev. 744502) and I created also the
correspondent WebSite entity in seed data to match with the new
WebSiteId (rev. 744518).
In this way every webapp has now a relative WebSite entity.
To a WebSite is associated a VisualThemeSetId that allows us to select
a set of VisualThemes and make them applicable to all selected
WebSites and thus to their relative webapps.

Could you please give me a hint about this my understanding becouse
now I have some questions:

1) If a WebSite entity is a webapp rappresentation shouldn't be
defined in the framework and not in the Content application?

2) I am now going to replace the fields styleSheet, headerLogo,
headerMiddleBackground, headerRightBackground in the ProductStore
entity with a link to a VisualTheme but is this correct? Or should we
have The ProductStore pointing to a WebSite and the WebSite pointing
to the selected VisualTheme ? Should we add a VisualThemeId field to
the WebSite entity?

3) Right now, when the user selects a new VisualTheme, the Lookup
shows only the themes that are associated to the VisualThemeSet to
which is associated the WebSite associated to the current webapp
(sorry for the bad sentence). The selected theme is then used for all
the webapps that share the same GlobalDecorator. So I think this is
not really correct. Should, maybe, we select the Themes that should
appear int the LookUp in the GlobalDecorator itself and not using the

Sorry for having put all this questions together.
I want to be sure my further contributions will go in the right
direction and do not generate issues.

Many thanks,

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