Done at revision: 750018
I did not used UtilXml  or JAXP directly yet, will hopefully do it later...
If you think more should be done please proceed...


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
I had a closer look, I think we should keep scaleImageInAllSize() in product component as it's specific to it (I will rename the package org.ofbiz.product.image.ImageTransform)
Hence some errors labels should be kept in ProductErrorUiLabels.xml and some 
other put in a new CommonErrorUiLabels.xml file
Also, I will try to use UtilXml methods as much as possible...

Anything else ?


From: "Adam Heath" <>
Jacques Le Roux wrote:
We cross 2 issues if we want to move ImageTransform to common
1) ImageTransform. depends on jdom which is in webapp/lib => should we
move it to common/lib also (makes sense IMO)

It doesn't really depend on jdom.  Look at the source, it's doing nothing
special with jdom at all.  Switch this to standard java xml classes, and
this problem goes away.

2) I think we shoul aldo move all the keys '<property
key="ImageTransform." from ProductErrorUiLabels.xml  to
CommonUiLabels.xml (or should we rather create a CommonErrorUiLabels.xml
file ?)

Er, no, don't like this.  Common* is too big, split it up.

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