I've been thinking more about the XSRF problem and what we can do to make OFBiz more secure from this sort of attack. This is related to OFBIZ-1959 and there is more discussion and introduction to it there.

The trick is that we want to allow certain things:

1. the client's IP address can change during a session (also an attacker could be behind the same NAT router as the victim) 2. the client may have multiple browser windows or tabs open that are part of the same session 3. the client can jump from any page in an application to any other page in that application 4. once authenticated the client stays authenticated for the remainder of the session (doesn't have to re-auth for each page request)

Because of these once a user has authenticated the main secure token they pass around is their session ID. In many cases this session ID is NOT communicated in a secure, ie it is passed over the network in plain text (it is often in the URL, or the user may hit HTTP requests and HTTPS requests). In any case, if an attacker can find the jsessionid then they can forge a request and act like the original user.

In reality this is a problem that app servers should take care of, and could take care of in a generic way, but they don't (not any I know of anyway). For example they could do things like using different jsessionid values for secure and non-secure communication (ie different values for HTTPS and HTTP) and only allow the non-secure one (HTTP) to go in the URL.

Even with that in place we'd still have to do certain things, but these would be very doable in OFBiz. For example we'd have to make a few small changes so that requests with https=true simply cannot be accessed through HTTP (this is not strictly enforced right now). And even with that they may still be issues, and would certainly be issues for requests that don't use HTTPS.

One option is to have the framework generate a random token that is generated for each request so that the next request to the server MUST pass that token otherwise we treat it as if the user is not logged in, and in fact we would just logout the user and make them re-auth. That's an annoyance for the false positive cases, but much more secure.

The major false positive case that concerns me related to this is the use of 2 common browser features:

1. the back button: if you go back you'll have a page with an old token in the links and clicking on any link or submitting any form would require you to re-auth

2. multiple windows/tabs: if you begin your session in one tab, then open another page in the same webapp in another tab it will be part of the session; if you then go back to the original tab and click on something the random token will be stale/old and you'll have to re- auth, and that will cause the token to update so when you go back to the second tab and hit any link you'll again have to re-auth

The solution of a random token wouldn't be too hard to implement, but this constraint is a real pain. We could restrict this to secure pages only, but basically it means that for those pages users can't use the back button or multiple tabs/windows... and I don't like that one bit!

The only solution I can think of to this would basically make the whole thing useless. We could remember past tokens so that as long as you have one of the valid tokens for the session then it's okay. However, if we do that then the random tokens will be no more secure than the jsessionid. We could try harder to keep them more "secret", but if they go into a parameter or even a cookie then they aren't really secure. Maybe we could change all links to form submissions somehow... or maybe not. We'd be back to where intercepting a request that is part of a session could easily reveal the jsessionid AND a random token that would be valid for the rest of that session. Ie, we're back to square one.

BTW, even if we go with this, it still isn't perfect. The random tokens would that an attacker would have to watch for responses as all tokens in requests would be invalidated unless they can keep that request from making it to the server (a real man-in-the-middle attack like that is a tough one to handle!). They would have to look at responses to get a token and the jsessionid and then send the forged request before the user hits another page.

In other words, for all of this pain, especially not being able to use back or multiple tabs/windows, we effectively shorten the vulnerable time period and restrict the attack methods a bit.


One thing that we could do to help with this problem, at least for secure pages, is to tighten things up a bit. I'm thinking of 2 things:

1. if a request has https=true then we will not accept http requests AT ALL, we will just return an error message (currently if it is a form submission we just accept it)

2. if a request has https=true we will ONLY pass encrypted data (ie body parameters, not URL parameters) to the service it calls; events may need to be changed to better support this since they have direct access to the request object, but for services we can easily filter this out; that means URL parameters will be ignored in secure requests that call services

These things, and perhaps others, would help this problem a lot for secure requests. For non-secure requests... well they aren't very secure anyway! ... and they would continue to be more vulnerable to XSRF attacks too.

Anyway, comments and suggestions would be well appreciated...


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