This looks like an old stuff introduced with the content component. From recent 
Al's answers, I don't think he has time for that.
I will continue, ignoring it, and if I, or anybody else, find time we will fix 
it. Same for the other issue...



From: "David E Jones" <>

This is kind of a bad pattern since it puts presentation-specific code  in the 
data preparation, ie the CMSContentFindQueryString
variable is  a presentation-specific parameter string that is prepared in a the 
 data preparation code. While not a terrible thing
to do, it does  reduce reusability and complicates things like this.

The best solution is probably to find the code that maintains the  
"CMSContentFindQueryString" field, and then put the necessary
parameters in this link. It may be that the field is use to keep  context for a 
chain of pages, which is a bit of a mess and while
I've  seen that sort of thing done in different places it's a bit error- prone 
and there may be better approaches.

I guess in other words, find out of the parameters are necessary and  include 
what you can and then the rest... well we can either
tear it  apart and rewrite the stuff, or we might get lucky and whoever wrote  
will hop in... ;)


On Apr 1, 2009, at 12:18 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Not sure how to deal with that also

<link text="${uiLabelMap.ContentGoToFind}" target="CMSContentFind? 
{CMSContentFindQueryString}" style="tabletext"/>


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