I think we need to find a way to honor all of the significant contributors to 
OFBiz. The good initial discussions from ApacheCon need to be fleshed out 

We can continue to very positively impact the look and feel of the system and 
we would prefer not to keep those innovations to ourselves. We must be sure 
that people understand that the new look and feel is our work. An improved 
OFBiz look and feel is a big competitive advantage and we want to get some 
value out of bringing it to the community. Your project management work is very 
much the same thing as are the many, many contributions of HotWax. We need to 
find a way to reward these major enhancements and protect their value for the 

None of this is new to Apache, which has many major organizations and vendors 
making donations to it. Their conservative position with regard to credit is 
probably born of experience and I am curious about their advice. At the same 
time, there is some irony that the Apache license is primarily concerned with 
giving credit to the Apache Project when the code is used. 

----- "Hans Bakker" wrote: 
> Hi David, 
> from a marketing point of view I agree but there are a lot of errors in 
> this schema to correct and that before tuesday? Not very realistic. 
> after 5 minutes of testing: 
> 1. search results in party: partyId not clickable 
> (error: HOTWAX.buildSearch is not a function) 
> 2. Although the sponsoring from hotwax is very much appreciated, wasn't 
> there an agreement not to use the name in the code but only in other 
> areas as svn log and ? 
> 3. In general the screens are now formatted much to wide because of 
> spaces and character sizes and other reasons, have a look at : 
> https://localhost3:8443/projectmgr/control/MyTimesheet 
> Let me emphasize that Hotwax and Brainfood brought OFBiz to the next 
> level especially in the framework and graphical design areas. Thank you! 

Ean Schuessler, CTO Brainfood.com 
e...@brainfood.com - http://www.brainfood.com - 214-720-0700 x 315 

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