On Apr 16, 2009, at 3:01 PM, shuchi wrote:

shuchi wrote:


I have downloaded J2SE 5.0, development kit with NetBeans. I have also
downloaded ofbiz-trunk-current from http://build.ofbiz.org/

I was trying to execute ofbiz.jar(by double clicking in windows) but file
does not respond. It does not give either error or starts executing.

I have windows XP Pro.

Your help is really appreciated.

Thank you.

I did follow the suggested link and thats how I got J2SE 5.0, development
kit with NetBeans and ofbiz-trunk-current.

But after that I am stuck. I am not able to move forward. .jar file is not
executing. not showing error either.

Please help !

In Windows if you want to see the error you'll have to run it from the command line and not just double-click on the executable jar file.

Running the startup script may be easier, depending on how you have Java installed. Windows is unfortunately not helpful AT ALL when trying to run Java applications, which is why this startup script is recommended.


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