 with permissions set so that non-ofbiz users can't read it.

though the NTFS has permissions, they are not easily set if the drive
has not been setup for it before.
Most windows drives are set for everyone, which most user don't know,
thinking their login has strong security which it does not. You can
drive a Mac truck through it blind folded.

Most people don't even know what NTSF security is, let alone how to use it.

Adam Heath sent the following on 4/17/2009 6:13 PM:
> BJ Freeman wrote:
>> only works on linux systems
>> does not cover windows servers.
> Works everywhere.  The path given on the command line is just read
> from, so whatever system policy is in use for specifing file names
> should just work.
> I'm not saying we would nescessarily set it to something, but just
> saying the feature should be added.
> See revision 766193.
> java -jar ofbiz.jar -Dofbiz.system.props=/path/to/file or "c:\Program
> Files\OfBiz\file" or whatever.

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