Thanks Adrian!


From: "Adrian Crum" <>

Okay, the Label Manager issue is fixed in revision 768123.


--- On Thu, 4/23/09, Adrian Crum <> wrote:

From: Adrian Crum <>
Subject: Re: &#160; Codes
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 1:23 PM
In the XML property files, the text to be displayed is not
an element's attribute, it's the element's

I would work on this, but it seems the label manager is
broken. All I get is an error message.


David E Jones wrote:
> Yes, it should. I haven't looked into this enough
to know what the issue is with that... it could be that the
label parsing code is calling trim() or something on the
label text coming in so these get turned into an empty
String... and if so changing that might be the easiest/best
way to handle this for labels.
> For the widgets using a plain space (as opposed to an
empty String) is probably the best way to go. Someone was
just writing about how an empty attribute is the same as not
specifying the attribute at all, and that IS actually how
XML parsing is supposed to be (ie that's what the spec
says), ie on the Element.getAttribute() method it will never
return null (there is no distinction between null and an
empty String).
> -David
> On Apr 23, 2009, at 1:33 PM, Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>> Fair enough, then in this case this specific field
CommonEmptyHeader should be just a single space. The label
manager should define its own special label which is not
used anywhere else.
>> Andrew
>> On Apr 23, 2009, at 2:42 PM, David E Jones wrote:
>>> Yes, one of the "guidelines" (or
maybe a better term is best practice) is to not have HTML in
translation labels. There are a few reasons for this that
have come up over time:
>>> 1. ability to use labels in non-webapp
>>> 2. be able to externally format/style the
labels, perhaps differently in different places
>>> 3. avoid HTML in labels interfering with other
HTML/CSS in the page
>>> Anyway, there was an effort a while back to
remove HTML from the labels for some of these reasons, and
when doing the output encoding it seemed best to encode all
characters from labels to encourage this practice.
>>> -David
>>> On Apr 23, 2009, at 12:28 PM, Adrian Crum
>>>> Why would we want to put HTML in the UI
>>>> -Adrian
>>>> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>>>>> Here is a patch which does exactly
this, and appears to work with just a little testing.
I'm just not sure of the total impact it will cause.
>>>>> On Apr 23, 2009, at 1:44 PM, Andrew
Zeneski wrote:
>>>>>> Well there is an option which
might be viable. We could simply wrap all values in the
uiLabelMap using StringUtil.wrapString(). This will allow
HTML characters in the UI labels again and shouldn't be
too much of a security risk, as only developers have access
to these strings.
>>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>>> Andrew
>>>>>> On Apr 23, 2009, at 10:56 AM,
Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>>>> I agree. We should look into
the widget code and the label manager code to get these
issues fixed properly.
>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>> Scott Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>> That's probably
something we can fix in the widget code isn't it?  If
the title attribute is missing then use the field name
otherwise render whatever is specified in the title even if
it is just an empty string.
>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>>>> HotWax Media
>>>>>>>> On 23/04/2009, at 8:53 PM,
Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I think it is related
to the situation where you want to specify an empty content
for the "title" attribute in form widgets. if
title element is missing or is set to title=""
then the widgets render it with the name of the field or
>>>>>>>>> Jacopo
>>>>>>>>> On Apr 23, 2009, at
10:43 AM, Scott Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I can't
remember the reason for adding the CommonEmptyHeader label
but I'm wondering if we should consider removing it and
find another solution to whatever problem it solved?
>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>>>>>> HotWax Media
>>>>>>>>>> On 23/04/2009, at
8:25 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>>>>>>>>> From:
"Andrew Zeneski"
>>>>>>>>>>>> I think
this is due to the new HTML security, but now we have these
"&#160;" codes floating all over the place.
I'm not sure what the best  solution for this is, but I
thought I would check in a change like this:
>>>>>>>>>>> This is not as
simple. I agree it's a quick fix for the issue at hand.
But this is due to Labels Manager. If you put a sole space
(ie > < ) then if you do some modifications with
Labels Manager in this file and then save in the file you
will get
>>>>>>>>>>> <property
>>>>>>>>>>> <value
>>>>>>>>>>> In order to
cope with this I tried to write directly at
SaveLabelsToXmlFile.saveLabelsToXmlFile[93] the String
"&#160;" which should be ok. But I guess I
would have to change the format passed to
UtilXml.writeXmlDocument some lines below since else it
write "&amp;#160;" and not
"&#160;" as intended. Not sure it's
possible though. And I have no time to look at it right now.
>>>>>>>>>>> So I made the
change you proposed at r767845  and  r767848  for R9.04
>>>>>>>>>>> And we will
have to deal with that in a complete way since else we will
find an even worst trouble later (as soon someone will use
Labels Manager to save changes in this file)
>>>>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>>>>> I had some
zele here (ok not only here ;o)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Index:

>>>>>>>>>>>> ---
config/CommonUiLabels.xml (revision 767649)
>>>>>>>>>>>> +++
config/CommonUiLabels.xml (working copy)
>>>>>>>>>>>> @@ -1997,7
+1997,7 @@
<property key="CommonEmptyHeader">
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> +
<value xml:lang="en"> </value>
<property key="CommonEnabled">
<value xml:lang="ar">شغال</value>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Any
>>>>>>>>>>>> Andrew

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