From: "David E Jones" <>
For everyone interested in this: please note that the PMC is currently
discussing how to leverage this resource. The concern is that we don't
want any single person to be able to step up and post something on the
ofbiz blog and imply that it is the opinion and position of the
project as a whole (which I suppose means opinions and positions that
are discussed with the community, and then as needed voted on by the
PMC before being made public).

To be able to write on this blog, you must 1st create a Jira issue on infra 
Quoting Gavin (from infra team) who created the blog at my demand:
<<Anyone else requiring access to OFBiz blog will need to request an account
via infra jira (component blogs) as automatic signups are disabled. Once
they have an account, yourself as OFBiz Admin can then add them in to the
Blog perms.>>

For the moment any entry in the blog or comment will be sent to the private ML (PMC ML). And I'm not quite sure of this, but I think we are able to moderate, or maybe rather change after if we don't agree.

For example, I'm against publishing and going after some of the things
that Jacques has mentioned here. If we want good press coverage we
should find things to announce that we think the world would be
interested in and then create press releases through the ASF PRC. We
should not complain about how the press is rarely speaking about
OFBiz, and even writing things that are so incorrect that they
contradict what is written on the home page for the project.

Yes, it's true that it's easier to complain than finding ideas to promote. But sincerely, reading this, I repeat well written document, I was upset by this point of view. OFBiz is not a toolbox! I also agree with you David, that this is not the kind of articles we should write on an official blog and that I should better create my own blog for this kind of things. I will ! My intention was not to create a battle field with this blog but rather a space for promoting OFBiz. Negative promotion is not the way, I agree. We should rather use a positive attitude on this blog, right!

Also, I know there are people on this mailing list who work on
opentaps and Neogia: please don't take offense at this and please know
that you are certainly contributing members of the community and your
contributions are appreciated. While other community members may not
like your business practices, it is no reason to start an in-fight and
I'm sorry that this was mentioned so publicly like this.

My intention is not to fight with opentaps or Neogia teams. Actually, they are 
helping us building OFBiz and this is great!
I must say, and as you envisionned David ( less and less for opentaps. But maybe we have also some responsability in this. Following contributors work is not always easy... My intention is only to correct the point of view of some persons and organisations outside of OFBiz microcosm who are viewing OFBiz only as a framework to build on. This is not true and I will write it on my future blog.

For everyone reading in: if you are feeling crazy about the economy or
are short on work and funds, please keep in mind the things discussed
in the recent thread that Ean Schuessler started where he mentioned
the scene from A Beautiful Mind. It doesn't do us ANY good to fight
eachother, and rather we'll all benefit a great deal more if we all
look for opportunities in the larger world instead of sniping at the
success that we see others having.

One more time, I don't want to fight with anybody, this is not my kind of mind. Ean's suggestion is certainly the best and smarter way to work together. Maybe I did not write well my message (remember English is not my native tongue). It was not against Neogia or opentaps but only to try to make understand outsiders (understand IT companies) which are using opentaps, and Neogia that OFBiz is not only a tool! Of course Neogia and opentaps have specific features that OFBiz has not, else why people would use them instead of OFBiz ? But this does not mean that OFBiz is only build to be used a fundation.



On Apr 27, 2009, at 2:14 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

I have opened a community blog for Apache OFBiz at
. If you are interested to write articles please ask for a login.

Last month, I read a white paper (livre blanc) from a French IT
company (250 persons, 1st "open source company in
 and I think it's time for me to react.

This white paper is well written but they almost completly forgot
OFBiz for (IMO) obscure reasons. I think one of the most driving
causes is that companies must make money (we all need to make
money ;o). And it's even clear here (from the white paper author:
 that this company chose to work
with OpenERP (formerly Tiny ERP) and especially with OpenBravo
because of their business models (OpenBravo raised $12 million in May
last year
. I think also that the leaders of such companies in
France don't want to work with permissive licences like ours.
Actually, Olivier Heintz told me 4 years ago, that it was one of the
reason the Neogia team chose GPL instead of Apache licence (they
were afraid their work would be stolen). I begin to be upset by all
this (they judge us, plublish it and make the trend) and, more than
4 years after I began to work on OFBiz, I want to speak out of
code. A community blog looks to me like the perfet tool for that (I
think also that I will finally open my own blog also, if I find
enough time for it).


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