Fixed that for me :-)

On 2/05/2009, at 9:27 PM, Scott Gray wrote:

Who would have thought!

Anyway one of the tests for packing:
<simple-method-test location="component://product/script/org/ ofbiz/shipment/test/TestServices.xml" name="testPackingServices"/>
(this should actually be broken up into multiple tests by the way)
Calls the completePack service without an supplying an orderId which is optional according to the service def. The problem is that the code will always fail if you don't provide an orderId because the checkPackedQty method on PackingSession needs an orderId to check that the packed quantity matches the order quantities.

So my question is, should completePack.orderId be marked required or is the logic in completePack wrong? For now I'm going to mark orderId as required since the code fails without it anyway and doing so will just help it to fail faster but I'd
to hear any thoughts from people familiar with the packing process.


HotWax Media

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