I don't mind either way, only one question, how does UEL handle undefined values e.g. (partyIdFrom == void) would we just do (partyIdFrom == null)?

It's also worth mentioning that we never needed to use XML escaping for beanshell it was the one that supported the method I suggested for UEL.


On 5/05/2009, at 4:33 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Now that the UEL supports logical operator substitution (http://docs.ofbiz.org/display/OFBTECH/Unified+Expression+Language+(JSR-245)+in+OFBiz#UnifiedExpressionLanguage%28JSR-245%29inOFBiz-OperatorSubstitutions ) we have the ability to eliminate the clumsy XML escaping in the form widget use-when attribute. The problem is, the form widget evaluates the use-when attribute with BeanShell, not UEL.

I would like to change the form widget to use UEL in use-when expression evaluations. The use-when attribute must evaluate to a boolean, and UEL is perfect for that. Plus, expression evaluation using UEL should execute faster than BeanShell.

The potential downside is the chance there is a peculiar use-when expression that BeanShell can evaluate, but UEL can't. Those should be easy to find though.

What do you think?


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