I feel tying ui forms to persistent entities has some issues
- Front end may call more than one entity. 
- It is hard to trace front end to all possible services and entity it may 
- It is not necessary that a UI form may be tied to an entity.

However tying front end to have reasonable defaults is a good thing from UI as 
- safer: If you pass a string that is larger than type of db field, transaction 
- usability:  For text fields and text areas UI should display the max size and 
prevent additional entry.

Proposal is this:
- Follow the good data dictionary principle where a field name means has a 
specific meaning and definition that is unambiguous across entities. mostly 
present in ofbiz
- Reuse the field names and definition to automatically deduce in user 
interface the intent of the front end wrt. max sizes and ideally data type.


----- Original Message -----
From: "BJ Freeman" <bjf...@free-man.net>
To: dev@ofbiz.apache.org
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 11:05:28 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: Field max size based on DB field info

as per the jira this is all controlled by
modelformfield.java, not the entity field type.
the Jira was to address changing this.
the original question was

Does doing this break any models or design goals?
Is there a reason this DB field info is not used in the ModelFormField.java

Harmeet Bedi sent the following on 5/10/2009 7:40 AM:
> We did some work in this area:
> The issues were the following
> 1. If you pass a string that is larger than type of db field, transaction 
> crashes
> 2. UI forms are not necessary same as db entities. UI forms are persisted 
> through services db entities or services. It is hard to tie UI forms with 
> actual persistence to ensure safety of (1). Best approach may be to have 
> conservative defaults.
> 3. For text fields and text areas UI should display the max size and prevent 
> additional entry.
> 4. Concrete DB Info is based on db type as per fieldtype(dbtype).xml
> There were a couple of realizations.. Ofbiz data dictionary is nicely done. A 
> field usually means the same thing and has same dimension if present in 
> multiple tables. e.g. partyId is same (maxsize 20) and so is comments(maxsize 
> 255). There are very few anomalies. These were
> # field to list of 'entity.size', if size varies per entity
> entitysize.accountNumber=EftAccount:255,PartyCarrierAccount:20,PartyGroup:100,PayrollPreference:60
> entitysize.cardNumber=CreditCard:255,GiftCard:255,GiftCardFulfillment:255,ValueLinkFulfillment:60
> entitysize.city=PostalAddress:100,ZipSalesRuleLookup:60,ZipSalesTaxLookup:60
> entitysize.contentId=CommEventContentAssoc:20,Content:20,ContentApproval:20,ContentAssoc:20,ContentAttribute:20,ContentMetaData:20,ContentPurpose:20,ContentRevision:20,ContentRevisionItem:20,ContentRole:20,CustRequestContent:20,OrderContent:20,PartyContent:20,PartyResume:20,ProdConfItemContent:20,ProductCategoryContent:20,ProductContent:20,ServerHit:255,ServerHitBin:255,SubscriptionResource:20,SurveyResponseAnswer:20,WebPage:20,WebSiteContent:20,WebSitePathAlias:20,WebSitePublishPoint:20,WorkEffortContent:20
> entitysize.countryCode=CountryCapital:20,CountryCode:20,CountryTeleCode:20,TelecomNumber:10
> entitysize.description=AccommodationClass:255,AccommodationMapType:255,AccommodationSpot:255,AcctgTrans:255,AcctgTransEntry:255,AcctgTransEntryType:255,AcctgTransType:255,Agreement:255,AgreementItemType:255,AgreementTerm:255,AgreementType:255,BenefitType:255,BillingAccount:255,BudgetItemType:255,BudgetReviewResultType:255,BudgetScenario:255,BudgetType:255,CharacterSet:255,CommContentAssocType:255,CommunicationEventPrpTyp:255,CommunicationEventPurpose:255,CommunicationEventType:255,CommunicationEventWorkEff:255,ConfigOptionProductOption:255,ContactList:255,ContactListType:255,ContactMechPurposeType:255,ContactMechType:255,Container:255,ContainerType:255,Content:255,ContentAssocPredicate:255,ContentAssocType:255,ContentOperation:255,ContentPurposeType:255,ContentType:255,CostComponentCalc:255,CostComponentType:255,CurrencyDimension:255,CustRequest:255,CustRequestCategory:255,CustRequestItem:255,CustRequestResolution:255,CustRequestType:255,CustomMethod:255,CustomMethodType:2
> entitysize.extension=DataTemplateType:60,FacilityContactMech:10,PartyContactMech:255
> entitysize.idCode=ProductFeature:20,SupplierProductFeature:20,ZipSalesRuleLookup:60
> entitysize.idValue=FixedAssetIdent:255,GoodIdentification:60
> entitysize.mapKey=AddressMatchMap:255,ContentAssoc:100,WebSitePathAlias:100
> entitysize.pinNumber=GiftCard:255,GiftCardFulfillment:255,ValueLinkFulfillment:60
> entitysize.referenceId=OagisMessageErrorInfo:60,OagisMessageInfo:60,SurveyResponse:255
> entitysize.serviceName=Content:255,JobSandbox:100,ProductStoreShipmentMeth:255,ServiceSemaphore:100
> entitysize.sessionId=CatalinaSession:60,Visit:255
> entitysize.taxable=Product:1,ZipSalesRuleLookup:60
> entitysize.title=PartyQual:60,ProductStore:100,ProductTag:100,ProductTagFieldAttribute:100,ProductTagStyle:100
> entitysize.transactionId=OrderHeader:60,PosTerminalLog:20
> Here is what we did.
> - Crawled our target database postgres to build columnid to maxsize mapping 
> for all entities and put it into a properties file. From our ofbiz fork late 
> last year there were 1400 column names with with unambiguous maxsize and 
> about 17 ambiguous columns size (as mentioned above). For ambiguous column 
> names we assumed the max size was lower of the possible values. e.g. 
> accountNumber has maxsize 60(from PayrollPreference not EftAccount)
> - Our UI forms could use default column names and not care about db entities, 
> services perisistence etc.
> So there if UI had these 3 columns.
> <field name="partyId"><text ...></field>
> <field name="comments"><textarea ...></field>
> <field name="accountNumber"><text ...></field>
> The model forms take into account that partyId means maxsize 20, comments 255 
> and accountNumber 60 and the generation is changed accordingly. Properties 
> are cached through UtilProperties(UtilCache) so efficient.
> The nice thing is that by basing max size on column id, not entity and column 
> id, maxsize value add is more or less transparent. 
> We only auto apply maxsize if form does not explicitly specify. in a small 
> number of cases it is better to override defaults by explicitly specifying. 
> e.g. crawler gave
> carrierRestrictionDesc=2147483647
> this is for 
>       <field name="carrierRestrictionDesc" type="very-long"></field>
> This is text type. One could do something more reasonable for Text types.. 
> they a small number in any case.
> Attached is the file we used to generate. Feel free to use it as you see fit. 
> it generates FieldSize.properties (if there max size per column name is not 
> ambiguous) and FieldSizeAnomaly.properties for columns where data dictionary 
> has anomalous meaning.. (likely bugs)
> Harmeet
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jacques Le Roux" <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>
> To: dev@ofbiz.apache.org
> Sent: Saturday, May 9, 2009 5:56:33 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
> Subject: Re: Field max size based on DB field info
> It seems that nothing happenned (no answers, etc.) after this message, please 
> why ?
> Thanks
> Jacques
> From: "BJ Freeman" <bjf...@free-man.net>
>> Up till now I assumed the DB field info was fed back into the entities
>> when field size as defined.
>> questions:
>> Does doing this break any models or design goals?
>> Is there a reason this DB field info is not used in the ModelFormField.java

BJ Freeman
Systems Integrator.

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