but don't let me stop you from developing it to show to the community.

BJ Freeman sent the following on 5/15/2009 9:26 AM:
> There are applications like Compiere that use this. so Why change ofbiz?
> Also how about addressing some of the inherited features like UI and
> DB(at least the adds) change when entities changes
> Then there is the automatic Creation of CRUD services that get built
> from the Entity.
> Triggers are covered under ECA's
> Also the ECA's let you model your business flow the way a clients needs.
> For those that need java the services can be written in Java with just a
> simple service interface.
> Marek Mosiewicz sent the following on 5/15/2009 3:24 AM:
>> What could be very interesting would be to add new language to OfBiz. It
>> could be some 4GL which would
>> bring many interesting features:
>> First it could be service writing languge. It could be static language
>> which would make it types based on entities
>> and services (maybe services could be more entity coupled) and could be
>> more user freindly than XML mini language.
>> Second it could be system repository manipulation language. Currently
>> Ofbiz has XML repository of entities services
>> and forms. But imagine that we store it in database or just as
>> serialized java object. Now add to this manipulation language like this:
>> ALTER CLASS Invoice
>>    ADD PROPERTY AdditionalDescriptions
>>         BEFORE:Description
>>         TYPE: Text
>>         LENGTH: 400
>>    END
>>            PHASE:BEFORE
>>            LANGUAGE: OFBIZ
>>            TARGET: AdditionalDescriptions
>>            CODE
>>                TaxId = Nip
>>            END
>>    END
>>    ADD SERVICE TRIGGER CompleteAdditional
>>        TARGET : Complete
>>        PHASE: AFTER
>>        LANGUAGE: JAVA
>>        CLASS :org.apache.ofbiz.addins.InvoiceJMSNotification
>>    END
>> END;
>>        ALTER ROLE Marek
>>                READ: TRUE
>>                WRITE TRUE
>>                DELETE: FLASE
>>        END
>>    END
>> END
>> ALTER FORM Invoice
>>        ALTER GROUP Main
>>                ADD RENDERER AdditonalDescription
>>                END
>>        END
>> END
>>    LANGUAGE:pl_PL
>>    KEY: Invoice.AdditionalDescriptions
>> END
>> Some parts of language could be client available like validation rules
>> for example.
>> It would be something like dynamic application server. You could alter
>> the main code whch would make platform very good
>> for components.Anyone could easly alter componetns for its needs.
>> Another great thing would be use of Ofbiz with some ORM, the best would
>> be OpenJPA but it currently works only on
>> class level (no support for Map entites).
>> Best regards,
>>        Marek

BJ Freeman
Systems Integrator.

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