Yes thanks Jacopo to share,

And more than a tool : a philosophy. Outside of this way are all the problems...


From: "BJ Freeman" <>
thanks for the tools.
really appreciated.

Jacopo Cappellato sent the following on 5/20/2009 10:54 AM:
Hi Brett,

On May 20, 2009, at 4:56 PM, Brett Palmer wrote:

4.  We don't change a lot of ofbiz code, but we do change
configuration files (e.g. various ofbiz-component.xml files,, mail server settings, etc).  We would like maven to
allow us to change configuration settings more easily.  Currently, we
have to make the changes manually which takes time and is error prone.
We would like to hide these details from the system admins and
developers so all they have to run is some thing like 'mvn install
development'  or 'mvn install production'.

I'd suggest you to have a look at the ant targets with names
*-ofbiz-patches: they are useful to manage (create/apply/revert) patches
for changes to the standard components (applications and framework),
e.g. changes to configuration files
we have also recently added similar ant tasks to the build file for the
hot-deploy component that is automatically created when you run the
"create-component" target.
All this stuff is intended to help following this strategy for OFBiz

1) instead of changing code in the standard OFBiz distribution, create
your own hot-deploy component and use it to override/extend the
applications (ui), services, entities
2) when you really need to change the standard code (ideally this should
be limited to config files), then follow this approach:
2.a) do the changes
2.b) create a patch file (using the proper ant target) and save it in
your custom component
2.c) everytime you rebuild your custom component, ant will take care of
reverting the changes (if any) and reapplying the patches

In this way in your project svn you will only commit the custom
hot-deploy component, and you'll get the standard OFBiz from the public

A developer's box could be setup following, for example, these directives:

a) check out from OFBiz svn the rev. 123456 (i.e. one that you have
choosen for your project) or a realease version
b) check out from your private svn the hot-deploy component inside of
the hot-deploy folder of OFBiz
c) run "ant run-install" (or similar): when the build script of the
hot-deploy folder will be executed, the patches will be applied as well

Hope it helps,


BJ Freeman
Systems Integrator.

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