Okay, it is official! There will be no Apache OFBiz booth at OSCON 2009. I have just verified this with May Carver of O'Reilly.

I am still speaking at OSCON (on July 23rd), and the ASF does have a booth arranged. If you can make it to my presentation, or happen to be around on the 23rd, I look forward to seeing you there!


On Jun 22, 2009, at 9:32 AM, David E Jones wrote:

The response to the opportunity to have a booth for OFBiz at OSCON can may be best be described as "deafening silence". In addition to this I have received an e-mail from someone at O'Reilly expressing concern that I have encouraged those manning the booth to bring along business cards and brochures to hand out while manning the booth. Evidently with a free booth like this they prohibit any sort of commercial activity. They were kind enough to include an invitation to purchase a normal booth for anyone involved who would like to mention things related to commercial activity.

These two factors are basically in the proverbial straw that broke the camels back for me. I was already considering not attending because of some recent personal and professional changes, and now my decision is clear. I will not be attending OSCON this year and representing OFBiz there. I believe the time and money will be better spent elsewhere, as fun as it might be to attend the conference.

If there is anyone who would like to take over management of the booth please contact me immediately. If no one else is interested in doing this I will be contacting the O'Reilly conference people and telling them that they can use the booth for someone else on the waiting list they have mentioned that they have.


On Jun 15, 2009, at 5:03 PM, David E Jones wrote:

The time has come to submit the registration for the OSCON booth staff. We have 5 passes available, and it would be GREAT to fill all 5 spots.

This is an opportunity to meet others involved with OFBiz, share your OFBiz expertise and even do some marketing of your services (feel free to hand out cards, brochures, etc for your company). The general idea I'd like to portray with this booth is a real community-driven open source project with different people from different companies involved in making the project what it is.

For details on the conference here is my blog post about it:


Here is a link directly to the conference web site:


You'll note that the theme for this year is: OSCON 2009 is "Open for Business"... how flattering! ;)

Now that I have the form I know we need the following information for each person:

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
OSCON Online Community?
Other Correspondence?

* OSCON Online Community - Conference Social Networking - If you would like to connect with other attendees via a special conference- only social networking site, please say Yes and you will be registered. You will receive further instructions on how to participate in the network via email. * Other Correspondence - Would you like to receive relevant information about events, products and services from OSCON Conference exhibitors or partner companies via email.

A couple of people had mentioned to me before that they were interested in helping to man the booth. Even if you contacted me before please send me (privately, not on the mailing list) the information above. I'll reply to confirm the details, get a rough schedule going, etc.


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