Thanks Adrian,

A lot to read tough...


From: "Adrian Crum" <>

Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Yes I see it's used in OFBiz, but which RFC are you speaking about ?
I thought you were speaking about attachment but obvisouly it's not there.



From: "Adrian Crum" <>
Thanks Jacques! Attendee is already defined in the RFC, so I was trying not to use it - since that might cause confusion.


Jacques Le Roux wrote:
From: "Adrian Crum" <>
I'm almost ready to commit the work I have been doing on the iCalendar integration. Before I do, I would like some feedback on a particular function.

Background: One work effort serves as an iCalendar "publish point" - it's not a work effort that anyone interacts with, it just contains settings that tell the iCalendar servlet what to do. In the current implementation, all public work efforts of all parties assigned to the publish point will be included in the calendar. The party's assignment role is ignored. The publish point's scope (public, confidential, private) is ignored. These are things I would like to change.

In the new implementation, if the publish point work effort has a public scope, then anyone can view work efforts that are related to it. If the scope isn't public, then access to the related work efforts is restricted to only the parties who are assigned to the publish point. Oops, now I have a conflict with the previous implementation - where a party assignment meant to include that party's public work efforts in the calendar.

Here's where I need the feedback. I need to use the publish point work effort to party assignment ROLE to control what the servlet does. A party related to the publish point in role "A" is a party whose public work efforts are included in the calendar. A party assigned to the publish point in role "B" is a party whose access to the calendar is controlled by the publish point.

Looking at the current calendar roles, we have Attendee, Delegate, Host, Organizer, and Owner. The Delegate role might be appropriate for the party in role "B". I don't know what to do about the party in role "A" - should I create a new role? Something like "Calendar Participant" or "Calendar Member"?

I think Attendee would be good but if you need to keep it for other needs then Calendar Participant sounds good to me

My 2 cts


Any feedback would be appreciated!


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