I didn't know that. Thanks for the info!


Adam Heath wrote:
Adrian Crum wrote:
My preference would be to change the Element parameter to a Node
parameter - that would make the method more flexible.

Node doesn't have getAttribute(String), only getAttributes(), which
returns a NamedNodeMap.  That, in turn, is a String->Node mapping, so
you'd have to get the string value out of the AttrNode.

Even then, the docs for Node say that getAttributes() returns null for
all nodes, except Element, so that means that this new method below
makes no sense for anything but Element.


doo...@apache.org wrote:
Author: doogie
Date: Wed Jun 24 20:39:32 2009
New Revision: 788176

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=788176&view=rev
Egg on face, need to be more careful with undoing changes that aren't
ready to be commited.  This actually compiles now. :|


Modified: ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/UtilXml.java


--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/UtilXml.java
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/UtilXml.java
Wed Jun 24 20:39:32 2009
@@ -721,9 +721,9 @@
public static String elementAttribute(Element element, String
attrName, String defaultValue) {
-        if (node == null) return defaultValue;
+        if (element == null) return defaultValue;
         String attrValue = element.getAttribute(attrName);
-        return UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(attrValue) attrValue ?
+        return UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(attrValue) ? attrValue :
public static String checkEmpty(String string) {

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