
Here's another approach that might be nice, have something similar to the use-when attribute except that it is evaluated at (form) runtime, e.g.:
<form name="FindOrders" type="single" target="SearchOrdersScreen">
<alt-target use-when-runtime="outputFormat='PDF'" target="SearchOrdersScreenPdf"/> <alt-target use-when-runtime="outputFormat='CSV'" target="SearchOrdersScreenCsv"/>
  <field name="outputFormat">
      <option key="SCREEN" description="Screen"/>
      <option key="PDF" description="PDF"/>
      <option key="CSV" description="CSV"/>
<field name="submitButton" title="Search"><submit button- type="button"/></field>

It could also be used to dynamically show/hide other fields on the form.


On 1/07/2009, at 9:54 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

I would like to make it easier to get different type of exports (pdf, csv etc...) for the same search form widget. Right now we can add 'export' links to the screen, but it is tricky to keep the search parameters when you click on them.

What about adding an "alternate-target" attribute to the "submit" element? This will be used to specify an alternate target for the form (behind the lines it will use Javascript to change the form's target)
For example:

<form name="FindOrders" type="single" target="SearchOrdersScreen">
   ... (search parameters)
<field name="submitButton" title="Search"><submit button- type="button"/></field> <field name="submitButtonPdf" title="Export (PDF)"><submit button- type="button" alt-target="SearchOrdersScreenPdf"/></field> <field name="submitButtonCsv" title="Export (CSV)"><submit button- type="button" alt-target="SearchOrdersScreenCsv/></field>

It will render three buttons, one for the standard html screen, one for PDF version and one for csv exports.

What do you think?


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