I did some changes for what I described earlier and I think this would be the correct way to generate invoice for shipment. Changes are copied below for reference.


Index: applications/product/src/org/ofbiz/shipment/verify/ VerifyPickSession.java
--- applications/product/src/org/ofbiz/shipment/verify/ VerifyPickSession.java (revision 793812) +++ applications/product/src/org/ofbiz/shipment/verify/ VerifyPickSession.java (working copy)
@@ -303,12 +303,10 @@
// check reserved quantity, it should be equal to verified quantity
         this.checkReservedQty(orderId, locale);
String shipmentId = this.createShipment((this.getPickRows(orderId)).get(0));
         this.issueItemsToShipment(shipmentId, locale);
-        invoiceId = this.createInvoice(orderId);
-        for (VerifyPickSessionRow line: this.getPickRows(orderId)) {
- invoiceItemSeqId = this.createInvoiceItem(line, invoiceId, shipmentId);
-            line.setInvoiceItemSeqId(invoiceItemSeqId);
-        }
+ Map context = UtilMisc.toMap("shipmentId", shipmentId, "userLogin", this.getUserLogin()); + this.getDispatcher().runSync("createInvoicesFromShipment", context);
         return shipmentId;

@@ -419,45 +417,4 @@
         String shipmentId = (String) newShipResp.get("shipmentId");
         return shipmentId;
- protected String createInvoice(String orderId) throws GeneralException {
-        GenericDelegator delegator = this.getDelegator();
-        Map createInvoiceContext = FastMap.newInstance();
- GenericValue orderHeader = delegator.findOne("OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId), false); - GenericValue billingAccount = orderHeader.getRelatedOne("BillingAccount"); - String billingAccountId = billingAccount != null ? billingAccount.getString("billingAccountId") : null; - createInvoiceContext.put("partyId", (EntityUtil.getFirst(delegator.findByAnd("OrderRole", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "roleTypeId", "BILL_TO_CUSTOMER")))).getString("partyId")); - createInvoiceContext.put("partyIdFrom", (EntityUtil.getFirst(delegator.findByAnd("OrderRole", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "roleTypeId", "BILL_FROM_VENDOR")))).getString("partyId"));
-        createInvoiceContext.put("billingAccountId", billingAccountId);
-        createInvoiceContext.put("invoiceTypeId", "SALES_INVOICE");
-        createInvoiceContext.put("statusId", "INVOICE_IN_PROCESS");
- createInvoiceContext.put("currencyUomId", orderHeader.getString("currencyUom"));
-        createInvoiceContext.put("userLogin", this.getUserLogin());
- Map createInvoiceResult = this.getDispatcher().runSync("createInvoice", createInvoiceContext);
-        if (ServiceUtil.isError(createInvoiceResult)) {
- throw new GeneralException(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(createInvoiceResult));
-        }
- String invoiceId = (String) createInvoiceResult.get("invoiceId");
-        return invoiceId;
-    }
- protected String createInvoiceItem(VerifyPickSessionRow line, String invoiceId, String shipmentId) throws GeneralException {
-        Map createInvoiceItemContext = FastMap.newInstance();
-        createInvoiceItemContext.put("invoiceId", invoiceId);
-        createInvoiceItemContext.put("orderId", line.getOrderId());
- createInvoiceItemContext.put("invoiceItemTypeId", "INV_FPROD_ITEM");
-        createInvoiceItemContext.put("productId", line.getProductId());
- createInvoiceItemContext.put("quantity", line.getReadyToVerifyQty());
-        createInvoiceItemContext.put("userLogin", this.getUserLogin());
- Map createInvoiceItemResult = this.getDispatcher().runSync("createInvoiceItem", createInvoiceItemContext);
-        if (ServiceUtil.isError(createInvoiceItemResult)) {
- throw new GeneralException(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(createInvoiceItemResult));
-        }
- String invoiceItemSeqId = (String) createInvoiceItemResult.get("invoiceItemSeqId"); - GenericValue shipmentItemBilling = this.getDelegator().makeValue("ShipmentItemBilling", UtilMisc.toMap("invoiceId", invoiceId, "invoiceItemSeqId", invoiceItemSeqId));
-        shipmentItemBilling.put("shipmentId", shipmentId);
- shipmentItemBilling.put("shipmentItemSeqId", line.getShipmentItemSeqId());
-        shipmentItemBilling.create();
-        return invoiceItemSeqId;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

On Jul 15, 2009, at 4:05 PM, Vikas Mayur wrote:


I have introduced a feature called Verify Pick in Facility component few months back based on a requirement. I was reviewing the code more closely and found some issues.

The pre-condition to run this process is that order is in approved status.

Steps to do Verify Pick are:

1) Create a Sales Order without split shipment option. Order should be in approved status.
2) Go to Facility and select the WebStoreWarehouse facility.
3) Lets first check whether the order is ready to pick or need stock move. To do this go to Picking tab.
4) If the order is ready to pick then click on Verify Pick tab.
5) Enter the order Id and click Verify Order. This will show the list of the items that need to be verified, by default all of the items are selected.
6) Click on Verify Items.
7) This will display the summary in another list at the bottom. User have the option to either cancel or complete the verify order process.
8) Click on Complete button to verify the order.

If step 8 is a success then it will create a shipment in Picked status and as well as generate an invoice with In-Process status. The existing code was working fine but not implemented correctly as it end up creating just an Invoice and Invoice Items at max but there are certain other processes (entities where data is stored as well) when an invoice is created as implemented in createInvoiceForOrder service in InvoiceService class.

There is also an eca on updateShipment service which look for shipment in PACKED status and then create the invoice. The service triggered on eca is createInvoicesFromShipment. This service then finally call createInvoiceForOrder and which create Invoice with In- Process status, Invoice Items as well few other things as well.

Depending on the ProductStore.autoApproveInvoice flag, the status of invoice is changed to INVOICE_READY and finally payment is captured by capturePaymentsByInvoice triggered on eca rule defined on createInvoiceForOrder. Finally, the invoice goes to PAID status, Payments are captured and applied.

Coming back to my question a little bit, in the Verify Order step 8, I do not want to capture payment and which is logical because Invoice status is In-Process status.

My question is why payment is captured when the invoice status is In- Process? Shouldn't the system look for Invoice Ready status to capture the payments.

If what I said above is true, I could use the existing artifacts and do some changes so that system validate against the invoice status before doing a capture.

Any suggestions are most welcome and appreciated.


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