
Into ShoppingCartItem.java on line 1198 :

// no try to do a recurring price calculation; not all products have recurring 
prices so may be null
Map recurringPriceContext = FastMap.newInstance();
recurringPriceContext.put("productPricePurposeId", "RECURRING_CHARGE");
Map recurringPriceResult = dispatcher.runSync("calculateProductPrice", 

productPricePurposeId is replaced by "RECURRING_CHARGE"
So, if my product doesn't have a RECURRING_PRICE price, its calculated price is 
0 or null

When I add a product into the cart, I have an error into TaxAuthorityServices 
because the price is null

2009-08-04 10:32:22,709 (http- 
[TaxAuthorityServices.java:313:WARN ] In TaxAuthority Product Rate no records 
were found for condition:((productStoreId = '9000' OR productStoreId IS NULL) 
AND ((taxAuthPartyId = '_NA_' AND taxAuthGeoId = '_NA_') OR (taxAuthPartyId = 
'10011' AND taxAuthGeoId = 'FRA')) AND (productCategoryId IS NULL OR 
productCategoryId IN ('ch-AGATHE-40', 'search', 'view', 'purchase', 'tva', 
'che')) AND (minItemPrice IS NULL OR minItemPrice <= '0') AND (minPurchase IS 
NULL OR minPurchase <= '0')) 
2009-08-04 10:32:22,711 (http- 
[TaxAuthorityServices.java:105:WARN ] Could not find any Tax Authories Rate 
Rules for store with ID [9000], productId [AGATHE-40-CHEVET], basePrice [0], 
amount [0], for tax calculation; the store settings may need to be corrected.

But this error doesn't appear on demo server : http://demo.ofbiz.org

 How can we modify the line : 
recurringPriceContext.put("productPricePurposeId", "RECURRING_CHARGE");



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