Great point - I'll put those points there, and then I'll show everyone what I'm talking about as far as a "news" article that we'll link to the home page. This is to encourage PR-like activities that will hopefully start out as fresh content, but will get everyone motivated to help publicize the project more effectively.

Thanks for the pointer David - that's a great place to start.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Aug 10, 2009, at 6:10 PM, David E Jones wrote:

That looks like great content for the Main New Features page:


On Aug 10, 2009, at 6:04 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:

Guys, I think it's time that we push this forward. I have a few initiatives that we've been working pretty hard at that I'd like to put up there:

1. Accounting Enhancements
2. Building a CSR application
3. Payment Processors
-- Chase Orbital
-- PayPal Express Checkout
-- Other PayPal enhancements
-- etc
4. Shipping Integrations
-- UPS work
-- USPS work
-- etc

I hope this will get others to start putting "news" up there for people to see and getting some more accolades for the contributors when they do. Hans and the project management app, Brainfood contributing WebSlinger, David's ExecutionContext work for multi- tenancy - these are examples of things that don't get publicized in (and more importantly outside for that matter) the project enough and starting here could work.

Anyways, I'm pushing forward, and hopefully you guys'll follow my lead on this as I'd love to get more information out about all of the cool things that everyone is doing.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Apr 17, 2009, at 1:12 PM, David E Jones wrote:

About where to put it: what is an example of this news?

If it is news from OFBiz itself the releases will be prepared and revised in the OFBADMIN space.

If it is news from users of OFBiz then it should go into the wiki (OFBIZ) space.

For a central index... it depends on what we're doing with it. If it is linked from the home page it should go in the OFBADMIN space so that it is moderated. If it is just a place for people to throw stuff, then the open wiki space would be better.


On Apr 17, 2009, at 10:39 AM, Tim Ruppert wrote:

I'd like to propose that we start to have a place in where we put internal "news" or press releases. This would allow those of us who want to brag about things that are going on in the community before an official press release happens - to have new content to put in the Recent News area.

The example I'm thinking of right now is that we've actually already released - while we're putting things in place to make it "perfect" for Monday - I'd love to have a place to link to where we're bragging about it now.


Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


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