I was not speaking about OFBIZ_SITE content in CMS but about the page at 
I think we should better replace (than completly remove which would then broke OfbizsiteScreens.xml) this page in Content (actually ofbizMain.ftl) with something simpler without need to update later...


From: "David E Jones" <d...@me.com>

Why not just get rid of that page in the cms example? It is a copy of
the OLD OLD web site (yeah, not just the old one, but the OLD OLD one)
and has simply not been updated for years. I protested it being put
there in the first place because of the old axiom: redundancy
inevitably leads to inconsistency.


On Aug 21, 2009, at 4:02 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:


I wonder if we should not change a bit this paragraph:. <<Apache
OFBiz is a foundation and starting point for enterprise solutions,
be they for one organization or one million. OFBiz can certainly be
used OOTB (out of the box), but if you're looking for something
that works really well for that there are many open source projects
that do a great job there. OFBiz is great for creating
specialized applications for use OOTB by other organizations. OFBiz
is also great for organizations that need more than what an OOTB
application can offer in order to grow their operations, but find
the deployment and maintenance costs of traditional enterprise
systems that can handle such things to be unreasonable or

It seems (Sastry was not the only one who interpretated it like
that) to suggest that OFBiz is more a framework to build on, than an
usable software OOTB. Actually, what makes me worry is the sentence
<<but if you're looking for something that works really well
for that there are many open source projects that do a great job
there>> For me, this means that there are a lot of other projects
that are designed to be used OOTB. But, from my experience, I wonder
if some persons do not interpret this phrase as <<look rather
for an application built on OFBiz and ready to use>>.

I'd propose to simplify: <<Apache OFBiz is a foundation and starting
point for enterprise solutions, be they for one organization or
one million. OFBiz can be used OOTB (out of the box), and OFBiz is
great for creating specialized applications for use OOTB by other
organizations. OFBiz is also great for organizations that need more
than what an OOTB application can offer in order to grow their
operations, but find the deployment and maintenance costs of
traditional enterprise systems that can handle such things to be
unreasonable or  unjustifiable.>>

What do you think ?


From: "sastry mln" <sastry...@hotmail.com>

In https://demo.ofbiz.org/ofbiz/cms/cms , there is an Introduction
paragraph that reads :
"Apache OFBiz is a foundation and starting point for enterprise
solutions  .... "

To me it suggests that OfBiz may not be fully usable OOTB and we
should take it as a base line to build applications using that
frameworks & tools that come with ofbiz.

"OFBiz can certainly be used OOTB, but if you're looking for
something that works really well for that there are many open source
projects that do a great job there. "

    What aspect of functionality this refers to, that does not
really work well in ofbiz ? and what other open source projects we
are suggesting here?

Please provide your views ..


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