Would it be able to detect auto-sequenced entities? Just thinking out loud...

On Aug 25, 2009, at 3:34 PM, David E Jones wrote:

There is a manual way to do this, ie make sure the data in the database and the file are how you want them to be.

On the entity XML import page (https://demo.ofbiz.org/webtools/control/EntityImportReaders ) there is a checkbox called "Check Data Only (nothing changed in database)". If that is checked you'll see the differences between the data file and the database and you can resolve them manually, or not, as desired.

This may or may not be helpful. It could be expanded into a sort of merge tool, but it certainly isn't that right now.

The alternative you mentioned is interesting and might work out fine, ie have an option to only insert and not change existing records.


On Aug 25, 2009, at 10:22 AM, Bob Morley wrote:

Yep there are some solutions like that; however envision 1000 customers. We
are building out a SaaS based solution built on Ofbiz, and have the
infrastructure in place to handle re-provisioning the latest software and
upgrading the multitude of databases (1 customer per database).

I believe what we do right now is that we schedule jobs via the Ofbiz job scheduler to perform the Ofbiz "seed" (one job per customer). Once this job is complete, it triggers re-provisioning of the customer to one of the virtual servers running the latest build. So what happens is that the customers naturally migrate from their rev 1 server to a new rev 2 server along with their automated database upgrade. Eventually, all customers have
moved off of rev 1 and that virtual sever is decommissioned.

Things work very well with the Ofbiz loaders, we just have this one little gap. :) If we feel this is something that should just be custom to us that is fine; but we felt that there may be value in an enhancement for the
community in general.

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