Out of curiosity today I ran a couple of simple tests using JUEL's numeric expressions and the results are a bit worrying, here's some example code:
<set field="value1" value="0.0001" type="BigDecimal"/>
<set field="value2" value="10" type="BigDecimal"/>
<set field="resultValue" value="${value1 / value2}" type="BigDecimal"/>
<log level="always" message="${resultValue}"></log>

and here are some example results:
0.0001 / 10 = 0
10 / 3 = 3
10.89879 + 6.8978336 = 17.797
10.89879 * 6.8978336 = 75.178
10 - 2.5001 = 7.5

I don't have time right this minute to fix it so just reporting here so people are aware. Adrian, I'm not asking you to fix it but if you have any pointers or suggestions they'd be most welcome.


HotWax Media

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